The ILA model database

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This is the ILA model database, archiving the ILA models and the verification scripts.




  • AES: ILA model of the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) accelerator.
  • SHA: ILA model of the SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) accelerator.
  • FLEXNLP: ILA model of the FlexASR accelerator (all rights reserved - Harvard University).
  • HLS-CNN: This is the ILA model of HLSCNN accelerator (all right reserved - Harvard University)
  • VTA: ILA model of the Versatile Tensor Accelerator (VTA)
  • GB: ILA model of the Gaussian Blurr Accelerator (GB)
  • RBM: ILA model of the Restricted Boltzman Machine Accelerator (RBM)
  • NVDLA: ILA model of the NVDLA Accelerator


  • LMAC: LeWiz Communications Ethernet MAC.
  • AXI: OH! Implementation, it also includes the protocol verification
  • Off-chip: BaseJump Implementation


  • [RISC-V]
  • Pico: The PicoRISCV processor, simple core without pipeline
  • Piccolo: The Piccolo processor with pipepines.
  • Rocket: Rocket Processor
  • PTX: ILA model of the Nvidia GPU PTX ISA.
  • Nibber: ILA verification of a SIMD Processor
  • 8051: ILA model of the Intel 8051 micro-processor


  • FIFO-BMC demonstrates the bounded model checking (BMC) capability of ILAng using a FIFO example.
  • Cache Coherence: OpenPiton Implementation, we also verifies cache coherence protocol under this repo.
  • Memory Controller: ILA model of the Garnet Memory Controller


  1. Please ensure all commited files follow the MIT License requirements.
  2. Please properly categorize the design and provide scripts for setting up/reproducing the case study in scripts/ci.
  3. Please test and make sure your model works (at least) under the below environment:


  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic)
  • gcc 7.4.0
  • Python 2.7
  • boost 1.65.1
  • z3 4.4.1
  • bison 3.0.4
  • flex 2.6.0
  • ILAng (0.9.1 or above)

A docker image with the above configuration can be pulled by:

docker pull byhuang/ilang:IMDb-ci