
Tracks how much code has been updated on Github.

Primary LanguagePython


Getting Started

clone our repoitory using the command

git clone https://github.com/Github-Tracker/Github-Tracker Tracker && cd Tracker

Usage :

Github-tracker is a python based application that uses github API to fetch data and display data like Commits, Lines added or deleted in Graphical format.

  1. First enter the username and repository-name of students in database.csv in this format :



  1. To fetch/update data, run trackerscript.py : (A file with name 'dd-mm-YYYY' will be created with today's data)

pyhton trackerscript.py

  1. To compare data, run comparator.py and input two dates to compare progress betwen them :

pyhton comparator.py

The format of dates should be this: dd-mm-yyyy

  1. After running comparator, you'll get data in final.csv .

Points to Remember

  1. This Script only compares data till the last Sunday.
  2. Do not run the script b/w 12:00 am to 5:30 am on Sunday.
