Estate Management App

This application is designed to help tenants who take care of estates keep track of how many users are in the database. They can track how many houses a tenant is registered under, as well as the rent, name and user details. The user is a ble to view what houses they are registered under as well as it's rent, due dates and any other finances that they may be required to pay such as security fees.


  • Prince Mumo(Group Work)

Getting Started

Clone this repository to your local machine to get Started.



You need the following installed on your machine:

  • Java
  • JDK - Java Development Kit
  • Gradle
  • An IDE - Android Studio

To confirm run the following command on your terminal:

$ java --version       //java version
$ gradle --version     //gradle version


After cloning to your local machine navigate to the folder you cloned into and open it with Android Studio.

  • Click the Run Button and Run it on your Emulator.

Built With


If you want to put out a pull request you first have to send us the sample code that you want to add to our repository for cross-checking before we allow the pull.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.