With Firebase Authentication example

How to use

Download manually

Download the example:

curl https://codeload.github.com/prioe/next-firebase-mui-starter/tar.gz/master | tar -xz
cd next-firebase-mui-starter-master

Set up firebase:

  • Create a project at the Firebase console.
  • Get your account credentials from the Firebase console at project settings>service accounts, where you can click on generate new private key and download the credentials as a json file. It will contain keys such as project_id, client_email and client_id. Now copy them into your project in the config/server.js file.
  • Get your authentication credentials from the Firebase console under project settings>general>your apps Add a new web app if you don't already have one. Under Firebase SDK snippet choose Config to get the configuration as JSON. It will include keys like apiKey, authDomain and databaseUrl and it goes into your project in config/client.js.
  • Back at the Firebase web console, go to Authentication>Sign-in method and enable Google.
  • Create a database in the "Database" tab and select Realtime Database. Then go to "rules" and set up your write, read rules to this:
  /* Visit https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/security to learn more about security rules. */
  "rules": {
    ".read": "false",
    ".write": "false",
    "sessions": {
      ".read": "false",
      ".write": "false"

Install it and run:

npm install
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Deploy it to the cloud with now (download)


After now successfully deploys, a URL will for your site will be displayed. Copy that URL and navigate to your Firebase project's Authentication tab. Scroll down in the page to "Authorized domains" and add that URL to the list.

The idea behind the example

The goal is to authenticate users with firebase and store their auth token in sessions and store the sessions in firebase Realtime Database.