
An open-source REST API of different kinds of beer to read the API and display it in an organized way with add in some sort of sorting, searching mechanic & recommendation algorithm to the front-end.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


From a open-source REST API of different kinds of beer using HTML, CSS and Javascript to read the API and display it in an organized way. In addition, add in some sort of sorting, searching mechanic to the front-end.

Live Links

API Links

API Reference

Get all items

  GET /api.punkapi.com/v2/${api_key}
Parameter Type Description
beers string Required. Gets beers from the api

Get item

  GET /api.punkapi.com/v2/beers/${id}
Parameter Type Description
abv_gt number Returns all beers with ABV greater than the supplied number
abv_lt number Returns all beers with ABV less than the supplied number
ibu_gt number Returns all beers with IBU greater than the supplied number
ibu_lt number Returns all beers with IBU less than the supplied number
ebc_gt number Returns all beers with EBC greater than the supplied number
ebc_lt number Returns all beers with EBC less than the supplied number

How To Run


 npm install


 npm run build


 npm start