Builds a potree octree from las, laz, binary ply, xyz or ptx files.
lastools (from fork with cmake)
cd ~/dev/workspaces/lastools
git clone master
cd master/LASzip
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cd ~/dev/workspaces/PotreeConverter
git clone master
cd master
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLASZIP_INCLUDE_DIRS=~/dev/workspaces/lastools/master/LASzip/dll -DLASZIP_LIBRARY=~/dev/workspaces/lastools/master/LASzip/build/src/ ..
# copy ./PotreeConverter/resources/page_template to your binary working directory.
Same as the linux instructions above, except:
- Give cmake absolute paths to the LASzip tools you just built. (Otherwise make might not be able to find them)
- LASZip library will be called
cd D:/dev/workspaces/lastools/
git clone master
cd master/LASzip
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ../
# make sure you've got these environment variables set with your directory structure
set LASZIP_INCLUDE_DIRS=D:\dev\workspaces\lastools\master\LASzip\dll
set LASZIP_LIBRARY=D:\dev\workspaces\lastools\master\LASzip\build\src\Release\laszip.lib
# checkout PotreeConverter
cd D:/dev/workspaces/PotreeConverter
git clone master
cd master
mkdir build
cd build
# VS2017 64bit project
# copy ./PotreeConverter/resources/page_template to your binary working directory.
Converts las files to the potree file format. You can list multiple input files. If a directory is specified, all files inside the directory will be converted.
-h [ --help ] prints usage
-p [ --generate-page ] arg Generates a ready to use web page with the given name.
-o [ --outdir ] arg output directory
-s [ --spacing ] arg Distance between points at root level. Distance halves each level.
-d [ --spacing-by-diagonal-fraction ] arg
Maximum number of points on the diagonal in the first level (sets spacing). spacing = diagonal / value
-l [ --levels ] arg Number of levels that will be generated. 0: only root, 1: root and its children, ...
-f [ --input-format ] arg Input format. xyz: cartesian coordinates as floats, rgb: colors as numbers, i: intensity as number
--output-format arg Output format can be BINARY, LAS or LAZ. Default is BINARY
-a [ --output-attributes ] arg can be any combination of RGB, INTENSITY, CLASSIFICATION and NORMAL. Default is RGB.
--scale arg Scale of the X, Y, Z coordinate in LAS and LAZ files.
--aabb arg Bounding cube as "minX minY minZ maxX maxY maxZ". If not provided it is automatically computed
--incremental Add new points to existing conversion
--overwrite Replace existing conversion at target directory
--source arg Source file. Can be LAS, LAZ, PTX or PLY
# convert data.las and generate web page.
./PotreeConverter.exe C:/data.las -o C:/potree_converted -p pageName
# generate compressed LAZ files instead of the default BIN format.
./PotreeConverter.exe C:/data.las -o C:/potree_converted --output-format LAZ
# convert all files inside the data directory
./PotreeConverter.exe C:/data -o C:/potree_converted
# first, convert with custom bounding box and then append new_data.las afterwards.
# points in new_data MUST fit into bounding box!
./PotreeConverter.exe C:/data -o C:/potree_converted -aabb "-0.748 -2.780 2.547 3.899 1.867 7.195"
./PotreeConverter.exe C:/new_data.las -o C:/potree_converted --incremental
# tell the converter that coordinates are in a UTM zone 10N projection. Also, create output in LAZ format
./PotreeConverter.exe C:/data -o C:/potree_converted -p pageName --projection "+proj=utm +zone=10 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs" --overwrite --output-format LAZ
# using a swiss projection. Use to find projections in proj4 format
./PotreeConverter.exe C:/data -o C:/potree_converted -p pageName --projection "+proj=somerc +lat_0=46.95240555555556 +lon_0=7.439583333333333 +k_0=1 +x_0=600000 +y_0=200000 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=674.4,15.1,405.3,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" --overwrite