
Node.js agar.io client implementation

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Node.js client for agar.io with API.


  • Install Node.js
  • Install client using npm install agario-client (ignore python errors)
  • Run node ./node_modules/agario-client/example.js (for testing purpose)
  • If it works, you're ready to look at API and code


There are two types of object that have API:

  • Client - thing that connects to agar.io server and talks to it. If you want to spawn and control your Ball, you need to talk with Client
  • Ball - thing that Client creates. Everything in game is Balls (viruses/food/players...). You can't control Balls objects, only observe what they do.

Both objects have same methods for events from events.EventEmitter:

  • .on('eventName', callback) attach listener to event
  • .once('eventName', callback) attach listener to event but execute only once
  • .removeListener('eventName', callback) remove listener from event
  • .removeAllListeners('eventName') remove all listeners from event
  • .emit('eventName', p1, p2...) emit your own event
  • check more in documentation

Client API

var AgarioClient = require('agario-client');
var client = new AgarioClient(client_name); 

client_name is string for client that will be used for logging (if you enable it). It's not your ball name.

Client properties

Properties that you can change:

  • client.debug debug level. 0-5. 0 is completely silent. 5 is super verbose. Default: 1
  • client.server address that was used in client.connect() call
  • client.key key that was used in client.connect() call
  • client.inactive_destroy time in ms for how long ball will live in memory after his last known action (if player exit from game or ball eaten outside our field of view, we will not know it since server sends action only about field that you see. Original code destroy() Ball when he disappear from field of view. You can do that in client.on('ballDisppear') if you want it for some reason). Default: 5*60*1000 (5 minutes)
  • client.inactive_check time in ms for time interval that search and destroy inactive Balls. Default: 10*1000 (10 seconds)

Properties that better not to change or you can break something:

  • client.balls object with all Balls that client knows about. Access Ball like client.balls[ball_id]
  • client.my_balls array of alive Ball's IDs that client owns and can control.
  • client.score personal score since spawn
  • client.leaders array of leader's Balls IDs in FFA mode. (player can have lots of Balls, but sever sends only one ID of one Ball)
  • client.teams_scores array of team's scores in teams mode
  • client.client_name name that you have set for client (not nickname)
  • client.tick_counter number of tick packets received (i call them ticks because they contains information about eating/movement/size/disappear... of Balls)

Client methods

  • client.connect(server, key) connect to agar.io server. (You need to request POST http://m.agar.io/ to get both server and key, look how browser do it). You can call it again after client disconnected from server. Example: client.connect('ws://','Y3hUlH3B') ProTip: each server have few rooms, so you may need connect few times before you will get in room that you want (but you need new key each time). You can look client.once('leaderBoardUpdate') to know if you're connected to correct room
  • client.disconnect() disconnect from server
  • client.spawn(name) will spawn Ball with nickname. client.on('myNewBall') will be called when server sends our Ball info
  • client.spectate() will activate spectating mode. Look at client.on('spectateFieldUpdate') for FOV updates
  • client.moveTo(x,y) send move command. x and y is 64bit float numbers where you want to move. Coordinates (size) of map you can get in client.on('mapSizeLoad'). Your Balls will move to coordinates you specified until you send new coordinates to move. Original source code do this every 100ms (10 times in second) and before split and eject
  • client.split() will split your Balls in two. Ball will be ejected in last direction that you sent with client.moveTo(). client.on('myNewBall') will be called when server sends our Balls info
  • client.eject() will eject some mass from your Balls. Mass will be ejected in last direction that you sent with client.moveTo(). Ejected mass is Ball too (but we don't own them). So client.on('ballAppear') will be called when server sends ejected mass Balls info.

Client events

In this list on.eventName(param1, param2) means you need to do client.on('eventName', function(param1, param2) { ... })

  • on.connecting() connecting to server
  • on.connected() connected to server and ready to spawn
  • on.connectionError(err) connection error
  • on.disconnect() disconnected
  • on.message(packet) new packet received from server (check packet.js)
  • on.myNewBall(ball_id) my new Ball created (spawn/split/explode...)
  • on.somebodyAteSomething(eater_id, eaten_id) somebody ate something
  • on.scoreUpdate(old_score, new_score) personal score updated
  • on.leaderBoardUpdate(old_array, new_array) leaders update in FFA mode. Array of leader's Ball's IDs (one ID per leader)
  • on.teamsScoresUpdate(old_scores, new_scores) array of teams scores update in teams mode
  • on.mapSizeLoad(min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y) map size update (after connect)
  • on.reset() when we delete all Balls and stop timers (connection lost?)
  • on.winner(ball_id) somebody won and server going for restart
  • on.ballAction(ball_id, coordinate_x, coordinate_y, size, is_virus, nick) some action about some Ball
  • on.ballAppear(ball_id) Ball appear on "screen" (field of view)
  • on.ballDisppear(ball_id) Ball disappear from "screen" (field of view)
  • on.ballDestroy(ball_id, reason) Ball deleted (check reasons at the bottom of this document)
  • on.mineBallDestroy(ball_id, reason) mine (your) Ball deleted (check reasons at the bottom of this document)
  • on.lostMyBalls() all mine Balls destroyed/eaten
  • on.merge(destroyed_ball_id) mine two Balls connects into one
  • on.ballMove(ball_id, old_x, old_y, new_x, new_y) Ball move
  • on.ballResize(ball_id, old_size, new_size) Ball resize
  • on.ballRename(ball_id, old_name, new_name) Ball set name/change name/we discover name
  • on.ballUpdate(ball_id, old_update_time, new_update_time) new data about ball received
  • on.spectateFieldUpdate(cord_x, cord_y, zoom_level) coordinates of field of view in client.spectate() mode

Ball API

var ball = client.balls[ball_id]; ball_id is number that you can get from events

Ball properties

Properties that you can change:

  • None. But you can create properties that don't exists for your needs if you want

Properties that better not to change or you can break something:

  • ball.id ID of Ball (number)
  • ball.name nickname of player that own the Ball
  • ball.x last known X coordinate of Ball (if ball.visible is true then its current coordinate)
  • ball.y last known Y coordinate of Ball (if ball.visible is true then its current coordinate)
  • ball.size last known size of Ball (if ball.visible is true then its current size)
  • ball.color string with color of Ball
  • ball.virus if true then ball is a virus (green thing that explode big balls)
  • ball.mine if true then we do own this Ball
  • ball.client Client that knows this Ball (if not ball.destroyed)
  • ball.destroyed if true then this Ball no more exists, forget about it
  • ball.visible if true then we see this Ball on our "screen" (field of view)
  • ball.last_update timestamp when we last saw this Ball
  • ball.update_tick last tick when we saw this Ball

Ball methods

  • ball.toString() will return ball.id and (ball.name) if set. So you can log ball directly
  • Other methods is for internal use

Ball events

In this list on.eventName(param1, param2) means you need to do ball.on('eventName', function(param1, param2) { ... })

  • on.destroy(reason) Ball deleted (check reasons at the bottom of this document)
  • on.move(old_x, old_y, new_x, new_y) Ball move
  • on.resize(old_size, new_size) Ball resize
  • on.update(old_time, new_time) new data about Ball received
  • on.rename(old_name, new_name) Ball change/set name/we discover name
  • on.appear() Ball appear on "screen" (field of view)
  • on.disappear() Ball disappear from "screen" (field of view)

Additional information


If you want record/repeat or watch in real time what your client doing through web browser, you might want to check agario-devtools

Ball destroy reasons list

  • {'reason': 'reset'} when client destroys everything (connection lost?)
  • {'reason': 'inactive'} when we didn't saw Ball for client.inactive_destroy ms
  • {'reason': 'eaten', 'by': ball_id} when Ball got eaten
  • {'reason': 'merge'} when our Ball merges with our other Ball
