- aakinlaluAirmaster
- aastrozaIDS UDD, GeoVictoria
- achuthasubhashIBM
- adeb09fuboTV
- adrigabzuUniversity of Copenhagen
- AlexandreAbrahamImplicity
- andrey-zotovLondon
- BenJourdan
- brunotech
- ChristianGerloff127.0.0.1
- dsflu
- flambyParis
- ingeniom22@lifeatedmlab Telkom University
- kashifBerlin, Germany
- king5842Wuhan University
- kmedved
- KMicha
- memattHeidelberg, Germany
- michalwolsNew York
- mixedenPhraser
- MrBurnst
- pbayliesDurham, NC
- rdlang
- rodrigobaronBrazil
- sbg3kLagos, Nigeria
- Seraphyx
- SergeySetti
- shaiq681
- simonprovost@VIDA-NYU @UniversityOfKent
- skriser
- sxz0University of Murcia
- talegariGames24x7
- theodorjuBerlin, Germany
- tripplyons
- vankesterenAssistant professor @UtrechtUniversity
- xorpse@binarly-io