
API Endpoints:

Screenshot (280)

API Usage:

URL : /

Method : GET

URL : /register/

Method : POST

Usage : To register a new user

Request Body:

  "name": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "password": "string"

URL : /login

Method : POST

Usage : To sign in a existing user

Request Body:

  "email": "string",
  "password": "string"

URL : /addbooks

Method : POST

Usage : To add books to the books list

Request Body:

file_upload [ string($binary) ]
email [ string ]
book [ string ]
author [ string ]
country [ string ]
state [ string ]
tags [ string ]
description [ string ]

URL : /userbooks/{email}

Method : GET

Usage : To get books uploaded by a single user via their email

Request Body:

email [ string ]

URL : /allbooks

Method : GET

Usage : To get all the books uploaded to the book bridge website

URL : /allbooks/{id}

Method : GET

Usage : To get a single book info via their book id

id [ integer ]

URL : /send_message

Method : POST

Usage : To send a message to the respective book owners

Request Body:

  "sender_email": "string",
  "receiver_email": "string",
  "message": "string"

URL : /chat_history/{sender_email}/{receiver_email}

Method : GET

Usage : To get the chat history between two emails

sender_email [ string ]
receiver_email [ string ]

URL : /chat_emails/{email}

Method : GET

Usage : To get the users a person have chatted with

email [ string ]