
This repository is inside the src folder in the catkin workspace for ROS application. This workspace consists of all the ROS packages required to start the Mars Rover prototype and make it move for the competitions like URC, CIRC, and others.

r2m_teleoperation Package

This package is responsible for the teleoperation of the Rover using Joystick. Acording to the Joy messages that we are getting, we manuipulate these data to publish the Twist messages.

r2m_simulation Package

This package is responsible for the simulation of the Rover in ROS within Gazebo and rViz.

Launch Simulation

To launch the simulation in the mars environment

roslaunch curiosity_mars_rover_description main_real_mars.launch 

To launch the simulation in the simple environment

roslaunch curiosity_mars_rover_description main_simple_mars.launch 

Speed Control

Full control over the suspension and wheels. You can change the suspension configuration and move the robot through a simple /cmd_vel topic publish. To launch the keyboard control of the robot

rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py 

You will see the instruction on the terminal.

Arm/Mast control

As you can see in the rover chasis, there is an arm as manipulator and a mast with camera.

To lift the mast

rosservice call /curiosity_mars_rover/mast_service "model_name: 'open'" 

To release the mast

rosservice call /curiosity_mars_rover/mast_service "model_name: 'close'" 

To lift the arm

rosservice call /curiosity_mars_rover/arm_service "model_name: 'open'" 

To release the arm

rosservice call /curiosity_mars_rover/arm_service "model_name: 'close'" 

If the environment is too dark in gazebo, unable the shadows property.(World/Scene/shadows)

This package is responsible for the teleoperation of the Rover using Joystick. According to the Joy messages that we are getting, we manuipulate these data to publish the Twist messages.

Setup_Ros script

This is the script to install all the basic requirement to access ROS framework. It would he helpful and less time consumption for the installation of the ROS into RPI or any other PC or Laptop.

To run this file, boot the ubuntu any OS and version from Virtual Box or Bootable Pen drive or any other way. Open the terminal of the newly installed OS, and type the following command :


Make sure that the file is executable. Normally, if you type ls -all in the terminal, the file should be in green color or have * at the end of the filename or maybe both. If it is not executable, type the command :

chmod +x setup_ros.sh

Then, it will install the libraries and tools you need to work with ROS.