
MOSIS homework

Primary LanguageTypeScript


MounTrack is a simple Ionic mobile application developed for MOSIS (Mobile systems and services) homework. It's used for tracking places of interest on your hiking trips.


Without Ionic/Cordova

If you don't have Ionic installed, you should install it over npm globally, along with Cordova CLI:

npm install -g cordova ionic

With Ionic

First install all dependancies with npm install and cordova prepare. This will install Android platform and all necessary plugins.

If iOS platform is needed, then run cordova platform add ios which will setup iOS platform and install all necessary plugins.

For the best experience, we suggest running npm run android:device or npm run ios:device, with a connected device.

If you don't have device at your disposal, then start the Android emulator with npm run android:emulator (we hope that you have Nexus_5X_API_25_x86 as AVD) and then, in another terminal run npm run android:run for a single run, or npm run android:live for livereload session with console.log outputs.

For iOS, you need to start the simulator first, and then use analog commands: npm run ios:run or npm run android:live.

Running in browser with ionic serve is not advised due to the fact that some plugins (like cordova-sqlite-storage) have no browser support.

Known bugs

  • Geolocation not working on Android device in livereload session.
  • Google Maps Plugin is a child that doesn't want to play with other children, so you need to change its google play services to + in plugins.xml after adding it to the project then remove all platforms and readd them.