
Craft infinit items with the help of AI based on idea of neil.fun

Primary LanguagePHP

Infinity Game

inspired by: neal.fun - check out his page with mor wonderful work of him. https://neal.fun/

Craft infinite items with help of ollama or any other language model. For now this project is very small and kind of generic, but I hope to improve over time.

screenshot01.png screenshot04.png

no Database required, simple and easy caching.

my todo list:

  • implementing config for credentials and endpoint of desired language models

    for now this game requires local language model the endpoint is hardcoded since this game is only a view hours old, from scratch to this version.
  • add some more love to ui and elements

    will add some sounds and animation.
  • make new discoveries personal

    once this game is online, would be nice if there is a list of users who have discovered new items.
  • hints

    before users get bored give them a hint how to discover what ever they like to discover.
  • bugfixes and much much more ...


To run and play, all you need is a local language model. Head over to Ollama to learn more about installing and running a local language model.

smack a copy of this as a brand new project like myInfinityGame on your machine and run

composer install 

Start your language model set your endpoint in .config file client class - infiniteGame/Controller/Ollama/Client.php

APP_NAME="Infinity Game"

start your wampp, xampp, whatever you run php with run index.php on your local machine i.e. http://localhost:63342/myInfinityGame/ and have fun.

Would love to see your version / improvements