A 2019 version of Dropbox's zxcvbn, directly written in a more modern JavaScript, not transpiled from CoffeeScript. Work done by Privowny.
- localized in english and french (see locales.js)
- internationalized (see frequency_lists.js for dictionaries and adjacency_graphs.js for keyboards). AZERTY fr-FR keyboard added. fr-FR ordered list of names and surnames added.
- checks password against HaveIBeenPwned before calling original zxcvbn matching/scoring. Reports a -1 score if password has leaked.
- cleaner JS
- added male_names, female_names, surnames and wikipedia lists of most used words for fr-FR
See demo.html file for usage (warning, code uses crypto.subtle
for SHA-1 digest and that can't be used, in Chrome, over http ; you must use it locally, inside a WebExtension or over https; Firefox has no such issue)