
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Query Live

Query is a full-stack application, inspired by Quora, which allows users to ask and answer other user-generated questions. The technology used for the application includes Rails for the backend, React/Redux on the frontend and PostgresQL as the database.



Questions are the foundation of Query as they stimulate conversation and user engagement. The QuestionIndexContainer component is loaded upon successful user login (or signup) via an AJAX get request and all questions are also loaded into the application state via redux.

Users are able to ask questions via the Ask Question button on the navigation or through the prompt right above the QuestionIndexContainer. Clicking either will open up a question modal where users can type in their question and choose a topic.


Answers keep the conversation going as they provide insight into any discussion. Answers belong to a question and because of that relationship, there isn't an index page for answers but you can see all the answers that have been submitted for a single question on a QuestionView. Answers are submitted via a rich text editor configured with react-quill.


Users have the ability to search for questions that have already been asked by the community. By first fetching questions from the PostgreSQL database, when users type in a string query, the query is used as the parameter to match against existing questions.

matchResults() {
  this.resultsArr = [];

  if (this.state.searchTerm.length >= 2) {
    this.resultsArr = this.props.questions.filter(question => question.body.toLowerCase().includes(this.state.searchTerm.toLowerCase()));