Employee expert is an application having three layers namely , The presentation layer, the business layer and the data layer. This application can be used to record and manage detail profiles of each employee working in a company or organization with information such as their designation, employee id, date of birth, base salary, pan card number, aadhar card number and many more.This application is a 3-Tier Architecture based application in which each tier runs on its own infrastructure and can be updated or scaled as needed without impacting the others.The application’s main purpose is to automate the existing manual system with full-fledged computer software, full-filling their requirements, so that their valuable data/information can be stored for longer period with easy accessing and manipulation of the same.All the important data will be stored in a database and it avoids miscalculation. Admin has the authority to perform CRUD operations on Employee as well as Designation data.In a manual system data is stored in a cabinet. Files are thus often misplaced or lost. And at times it is difficult to find relevant files. It is difficult to keep records of all the employees and to access and manipulate the details. It is very difficult to check the details of a particular employee in manual system. In this world of growing technologies everything has been computerized. With large number of work opportunities the human workforce has increased. Thus there is a need of a system which can handle the data of such a large number of employees in a company or organization. The Employee Expert has been developed to override the problems prevailing in the manual system. This software is supported to eliminate and in some cases reduce the hardship faced in the existing system. The application is reduced as much as possible to avoid errors while entering the data. It also provides error message while entering invalid data. This is a user-friendly application and this application is reduced as much as possible to avoid errors while entering the data and it also provides error message while entering invalid data. For writing the code i have used notepad a plain text editor.
Tools and Technology used

  1. Client-side:- HTML,CSS,JavaScript
  2. Server:- Apache Tomcat
  3. Database:- MYSQL
  4. Back-end:-Java
  5. Processor:- i3 5th gen or high
  6. RAM:- 4 GB or high
  7. Operating System:- Windows
  8. The username and password set for login is:
  9. "username"-admin
  10. "passowrd"- admin
  11. These can be changed.
  12. Details related to user and table structure of database.
  13. The user need to create three tables using mysql. The tables are identified as Designation, Administrator, Employee.
  14. The name of the database is hrdb
  15. The name of the user is hrr
  16. The password for the user is hrr
  17. The tables are directly created using mysqlsh so is no such file named as .sql Usage:-After downloading the zip file , extract that file ,a folder structure is seen.Look for the root folder of WEB-INF ,rename that folder as Employee-Expert for proper and smooth functionality. The drive link to the working video for "Employee Expert" is:- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1avId6bOkodYmZFK6vWKXB3pF-lAsLfGi/view?usp=sharing