JRock is a javaScript framework which would allow the user to create some components, included but not limited to modals , accordians etc. Using JRock complex activities such as form validations can be performed without much trouble.Trouble here emphasises on the user's need to write the long and cumbursome javascript code.


  1. Modal and Accordians can be created without any trouble.
  2. A combo box can be populated by defining least possible code.
  3. Form validations can be performed by mear declaration of properties using json .
  4. Ajax GET and POST requests can be handeled in an effective way.

Steps to use JRock:

  1. Download the zip file and unzip it.
  2. After successfull unzip look for the folders named as js,css and images and place them in your root folder .
  3. After placing make sure they are in parallel.
  4. For using the features of this framework include the js and css files using the following commands
<script src='js/JRock.js'></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/JRock.css">

The FillComboBox and Ajax calls(GET/POST) are designed in such a way that they fetch the data from server side or through servlets. In examples described under FillComboBox, Get / POST (Ajax Calls) , the data is fetched from respective servlets. So for using these features defining servlets is mandatory.

Demo Examples

Get Type Request

<!doctype html>
<html lang='en'>
<meta charset='utf-8'>
<title>JRock Demo </title>
<script src='js/JRock.js'></script>
// JRock user script starts here
function getDesignation()
let titleSpan=$$$("title");
let code=$$$("code").value();
alert("Invalid designation code");
var splits=responseData.split(",");
alert("Some problem");
//JRock user script ends here
<h2>Get type request with data example</h2>
Enter code <input type='text' id='code'>
<button type='button' onclick='getDesignation()'>Get Designation</button><br>
Title <span id='title'></span>
<!--<a href='index.html'>Home</a>-->


If the Designation Code is valid:

If the Designation code is invalid:

GetTypeRequestExample2 (2)

Post Type Request

<!doctype html>
<html lang='en'>
<meta charset='utf-8'>
<title>JRock Demo</title>
<script src='js/JRock.js'></script>
//JRock user script starts here
function saveEnquiry()
var firstName=$$$("firstName").value();
var lastName=$$$("lastName").value();
var age=$$$("age").value();
var customer={
var whatever=$$$("whatever");
var customer=JSON.parse(responseData);
var a="First Name:"+customer.firstName+"<br>";
a=a+"Last Name:"+customer.lastName+"<br>";
var a=a+"Age:"+customer.age;
alert("Some problem");
//JRock user script ends here
<h2>Post type request example</h2>
First Name<br><input type='text' id='firstName'><br>
Last Name<br><input type='text' id='lastName'><br>
Age<br><input type='text' id='age'><br>
<button type='button' onclick='saveEnquiry()'>Save</button>
<div id='whatever'></div>
<!--<a href='index.html'>Home</a>-->


PostTypeRequestExample (2)

Fill combo Box

<!doctype html>
<html lang='en'>
<meta charset='utf-8'>
<title>JRock Demo</title>
<script src='js/JRock.js'></script>
//JRock user script starts here
function populateDesignations()
var designations=JSON.parse(responseData);
"text": "title",
"text":"<select designation>",
"value": "-1"
alert("Some problem");
//JRock user script ends here
<h2>Fill Combo Box Example</h2>
<select id='designationCode'>
<!--<a href='index.html'>Home</a>-->


FillComboBoxExample (2)

Form Validation Example

<!doctype html>
<html lang='en'>
<meta charset='utf-8'>
<title>Form Validations</title>
<script src='js/JRock.js'></script>
//JRock user script starts here
function doSomething()
return $$$("someForm").isValid(
"required":"Name required",
"max-length":"Name cannot exceed 20 characters"
"required":"Address required"
"invalid":"Select City"
"required":"Select gender"
"required-state":"Select I agree checkbox"
// JRock user script ends here
<h1>Form Validations</h1>
<form id='someForm' onsubmit='return doSomething()'>
<input type='text' name='nm' id='nm'><br><span id='nmErrorSection'></span><br><br>
<textarea name='ad' id='ad'></textarea><br>
<span id='adErrorSection'></span><br><br>
<b>Select City</b><br> <select id='ct' name='ct'>
<option value='-1'>Select City</option>
<option value='1'>Ujjain</option>
<option value='2'>Dewas</option>
<option value='3'>Indore</option>
<span id='ctErrorSection'></span><br><br>
<b>Gender</b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Male <input type='radio' name='gender' id='ml' value='M'>
Female <input type='radio' name='gender' id='fe' value='F'><br>
<span id='genderErrorSection'></span><br><br>
<input type='checkbox' name='agree' id='ag' value='Y'>I agree<br><br>
<button type='submit'>Register</button>


FormValidationsExamples (3)

Accordian Demo

<html lang='en'>
<meta charset='utf-8'>
<title>JRock Accordian Demo Example</title>
<script src='js/JRock.js'></script>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='css/JRock.css'>
<H1>Accordian Demo Example</H1>
<div accordian="true">
<h3 accordianHeaderBackgroundColor='#b0aac0'>Heading1</h3>
<div accordianBackgroundColor='#c2d4dd'>
1 Whatever whatever whatever<br>
2 Whatever whatever whatever<br>
3 Whatever whatever whatever<br>
<h3 accordianHeaderBackgroundColor='#b0aac0'>Heading2</h3>
<div accordianBackgroundColor='#c2d4dd'>
11 Whatever whatever whatever<br>
22 Whatever whatever whatever<br>
33 Whatever whatever whatever<br>
<h3 accordianHeaderBackgroundColor='#b0aac0'>Heading3</h3>
<div accordianBackgroundColor='#c2d4dd'>
111 Whatever whatever whatever<br>
222 Whatever whatever whatever<br>
333 Whatever whatever whatever<br>
<div accordian="true">
1 Whatever whatever whatever<br>
2 Whatever whatever whatever<br>
3 Whatever whatever whatever<br>
11 Whatever whatever whatever<br>
22 Whatever whatever whatever<br>
33 Whatever whatever whatever<br>
111 Whatever whatever whatever<br>
222 Whatever whatever whatever<br>
333 Whatever whatever whatever<br>


AccordianExample (2)

Modal Demo Example

<!doctype html>
<html lang='en'>
<meta charset='utf-8'>
<title>JRock Modal Demo</title>
<script src='js/JRock.js'></script>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='css/JRock.css'>
// JRock user script starts here
function abBeforeOpening()
alert("Modal with ab is about to be opened");
return true;
function abBeforeClosing()
alert("Modal with ab is about to be closed");
return true;
function abOpened()
alert("Modal with ab opened");
function abClosed()
alert("Modal with ab closed");
function createModal1()
// JRock user script ends here
<h2>Modal </h2>
<button style='text-align:center;background-color:#4CAF50;color:white;padding:14px 40px;border:0.5px blue;display:inline-block;text-align:center;text-decoration:none;font-size:12pt;cursor:pointer;' onclick='createModal1()'>Show modal</button>
<div id='ab' closeOnMaskClick="TRUE" style="display:none" forModal='True' size="500x200" header="Some Heading" footer="Some Footer" maskColor="#00CED1" modalBackgroundColor="#20B2AA" closeButton="true" beforeOpening="abBeforeOpening()" afterOpening="abOpened()" beforeClosing="abBeforeClosing()" afterClosing="abClosed()">
God is great<br>
God is great<br>
<input type="text" id="myTextBox" value="Great"><br>
God is great<br>
God is great<br>
God is great<br>
God is great<br> 
God is great<br>
God is great<br>
God is great<br>
God is great<br>
God is great<br>
Last Line<br>


ModalExample (2)