
Exploration of Recommendation Systems using matrix factorization algorithm known as SVD

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

EC503 Project: An Exploration of Recommendation Systems


Datasets Used in Project:

  1. Books Recommendation Dataset
  2. Artificial Dataset

Tools Used:

  • Python Programming language to perform experiments.
  • Used Sklearn for Modelling SVD.
  • Used Gridsearch for performing hyperparameter tuning.
  • Used matplotlib library to build various plots to analyze and showcase the results of experiments.
  • Pandas and Numpy to perform data-preprocessing

Hyper parameters:

  • Training and Testing Split: 80%, 20%
  • num_of_components or top 'r' singular values =250
  • iterations=20

Data Pre-Processing for Creation of Books-Users Ratings Sparse Matrix?

  • Ensured the Users have at least rated more than 300 books
  • Ensured the Books had at least 50 ratings from users
  • Fill Empty/NAN(Not a Number) values with zeros.
  • Remove duplicates(ensures unique users and books)

Function Usages

  • use load_data() function to load the book recommendation dataset
  • use create_dense() to create an artificial dataset
  • use plot_svd_iteration() to perform Experiment 1
  • use increase_sparsity() and decrease_sparsity() to perform Experiment 2 on Book Dataset
  • use increase_sparsity_artificial() to perform Experiment 3 on artificial dataset


  1. https://github.com/iNeuron-Pvt-Ltd/Books-Recommender-System-Using-Machine-Learning
  2. https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/arashnic/book-recommendation-dataset
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_value_decomposition
  4. https://towardsdatascience.com/recommender-system-singular-value-decomposition-svd-truncated-svd-97096338f361

Project Structure

├── README.md          <- The top-level README for developers/collaborators using this project.
├── src                <- Source code folder for this project
    ├── data           <- Datasets used and collected for this project
    ├── visualizations <- Folder to store and Visualization generated for the project

Folder Overview

  • Reports - Folder to store all Final Reports of this project
  • Data - Folder to Store all the data collected and used for this project
  • References - Folder to store any referenced code/research papers and other useful documents used for this project
  • Visualizations - Folder to store plots
  • Results - Folder to store Final results and code.