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Primary LanguageKotlin

CopScan - SmartPolice Project


CopScan is a portable mobile application developed as part of the SmartPolice Project. It serves as a powerful tool for law enforcement agencies, enabling officers to scan a person's face and retrieve their criminal history on the spot. This portable solution streamlines the process, eliminating the need to take suspects to the police station for identification and record checking.


  • Facial Recognition: CopScan uses cutting-edge facial recognition technology to scan a person's face and match it against a database of known criminals.

  • Criminal History: Once a match is found, the app fetches the criminal history of the identified individual, providing law enforcement officers with relevant information instantly.

  • User-friendly Interface: CopScan features an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for law enforcement personnel to use the app effectively in the field.

  • Secure Database: The app connects to a secure database that stores criminal records, ensuring the confidentiality and security of sensitive information.

Tech Stack

CopScan is built using the following technologies:

  • Java: The core language for Android app development.

  • Kotlin: Used for modern and concise Android app development.

  • Android SDK: The Android Software Development Kit is used for building and optimizing the app for Android devices.


  1. Open CopScan on your portable Android device.
  2. Use the device's camera to scan the face of the individual in question.
  3. CopScan will analyze the face and search for a match in the criminal database.
  4. Once a match is found, the app will display the individual's criminal history, enabling officers to make informed decisions on the spot.

Privacy and Security

We take user privacy and data security seriously. CopScan ensures the following:

  • The app only accesses and uses the facial data for matching against the criminal database.
  • Criminal history data is securely stored and accessible only to authorized law enforcement personnel.


The development of CopScan was made possible through the hard work and dedication of the SmartPolice Project team. We would also like to thank the open-source community for their contributions to the underlying technologies.

Disclaimer: CopScan is a portable tool intended for use by law enforcement agencies and personnel. It should be used in accordance with local, state, and national laws and regulations. The creators of CopScan do not endorse or encourage any unlawful or unethical activities.