
forthebadge forthebadge

An App to find and share rides (and thus, reduce cost, reduce pollution and also traffic) Aim of the app is to provide rides to passengers in private or public cars at reduced costs, depenbding on the availability.

Tools used

  • Database - Firebase

Steps to run

  • Fork the repository

  • Clone the repository
    git clone https://github.com/<username>/onRoad.git
    where < username > is your username in your bash


  • Contributors are welcome and please comment on the issue before working on it.
  • Create pull requests, submit bugs, suggest new features.
  • Join the Gitter Channel for queries and other related stuff.
  • Add your app to firebase. The steps can be found here
  • In the second step you will be prompted to download google-services.json. Replace the google-services.json in the current directory with the new downloaded file.

gitter Channel : https://gitter.im/On-Road/community




Gitter chat Contributors needed