
I created this repository to track my 30_days_JavaScript_Challenge progress and learning. I know the basics of the Javascript but now I want to learn the nuances of it that's why I am starting from the scratch.

Day 1:

  • Completed the first section of ES6 tutorial from this website. It has detailed tutorials and the author tells explicity about the do's and dont's from his own experience.So, I will follow these tutorials throughout this challenge.
  • I build a Virtual_Drum_Kit with the help of Wes Bos tutorial and It gave me clarity of how eventlisteners work.So, I will do some js project by refering his tutorials .

Day 2:

  • Revised the JavaScript fundamentals (Code structure, The modern mode, "use strict", Variables and Data types)
  • Build a Destiny_Decider_Dices game. This game has two dices which show numbers on refreshing the page and player corresponding to the dice with greater number wins and it displays the winner. You can use it to resolve the conflicts 😄 and to play monopoly. There are endless use-cases of it .
  • I didn't learn any new algorithm from few days. So, I learned and practice Knuth–Morris–Pratt string-searching algorithm today and It's amazing 🤩.

Day 3:

  • Revised array and its methods, some of them are forEach(can be used as labeling event-listener to each element of a array, no for loop required. I like these kind of subtle tricks a lot 😋 ), filter, map, sort, find and findIndex.
  • Practiced array exercise which helped me to gain insight on where and how to use these function in real scenario .
  • Read a blog on semantic HTML.

Day 4:

  • Read tutorials of JS on Interaction(alert, prompt and confirm), Type Conversions, Basic operators, maths and Comparisons .
  • Read a tutorial on flexbox in css and it will surely make my life easier 😸.

Day 5:

Day 6:

  • Learnt about new array methods(some, every, concat etc) and implemented them on various practical scenario.

Day 7:

  • Learnt about fetch api and used it to fetch city name and state data from a json file on github then I used that data to made a type ahead city and state name recommendation system in js. I am amazed by the simplicity and power of js after doing this project ✨.

Day 8:

  • Made a Book-Page of Eloquent Javascript book.

Day 9:

  • Made Book-page responsive.
  • Learnt about setTimeout and setInterval function in js.