
Developed N-gram based and LSTM based Language Models for various channels of social media

Primary LanguagePython

Language Modelling

In this project, we have developed Ngram and RNN based language models using NLTK, Spacy, and Keras for three social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The API provides command line for training, testing and predicting (text generation) from pre-trained models in both unconditioned and conditioned ways. Read following sections to know more about it.


Support for Python 3. Install the package requirements with

pip install -r requirements.txt


The preprocessed data for each platform are split into train-test-dev in ratio 8:1:1 using script train_test_dev_split.py present in the scripts folder. The data is shuffled before doing the splits. Divided for various social platforms are present in model_data/<social_type> where "<social_type>" is the directory name for a specific social media platform (tw for Twitter, instafor Instagram and fb for Facebook). The statistics for preprocessed data for all three platforms are mentioned below.

Twitter: 4.06 Million sequences
Instagram: 138 Thousand sequences including instagram image captions and comments 
FaceBook: 1.14 Million sequences including facebook post and comments

The word "sequence" refers to 'tweets' for Twitter, it can be a post or a comment for Facebook, and similarly, it can be a caption or a comment for Instagram. The average length of sequences (in the round figure) of Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram datasets are 14, 30, and 60 words, respectively.


1. Training

Set the parameter values required for training in train.sh. Default Values for parameters are present in the Parameters Section. The training data file can be in either "pickle" or "text" format. If the data is pickled, it would expect it to be a list of sequences; and if it is in text format, it would expect one sequence per line or sequences separated by the newline character. Note: Before the training, data should be preprocessed. You can also use our preprocess script present in scripts/preprocess.py This script takes raw text files and outputs preprocessed text files with each sequence in each line.

  1.1 For training N-Gram Model, use:
      ./train.sh ngram <Path to train data> <Path to store trained model>
  1.2 For training LSTM Model, use:
      ./train.sh lstm <Path to train data> <Path to store trained model>


1. NGram Model
   The following arguments for training are optional:
   -g         Lidstone paramter(Gamma)[0.5]
   -d         Kneserney discounting factor[0.75]
   -i         Training data file
   -pkl       Training data file format: 1-pickled,0-text[1]
   -o         Output model file (Ex: ../lm_models/ngram_models/tw/<model_name>)
   -t         N-gram model type: 1-MLE,2-Lidstone,3-Wittenbell,4-Kneserney[4]
   -n         N-gram model order: 1-unigram,2-bigram,3-trigram[3]

2. LSTM Model
   The following arguments for training are optional:
   -hl        No. of Hidden layers[1]
   -n         No. of Nodes in each hidden layer[500]
   -dr        Dropout Factor[0.1]
   -e         No. of Epochs[100]
   -lr        Learning rate[0.001]
   -b         Batch Size[128]
   -i         Training data file
   -o         Output model file (Ex: ../lm_models/lstm_models/tw/<model_name>)
   -w         Word embedding options:no/pre-glove/glove[no]

2. Predicting (Text Generation)

Set the parameter values required for text generation in predict.sh.Predicted text will be displayed in console along with the seed text (if provided).

  1. N-Gram Model
  1.1 For unconditional text generation, use:
      ./predict.sh ngram 0 <no of words> <path of pre-trained model>
  1.2 For conditional text generation, use:
      ./predict.sh ngram 1 <no of words> <path of pre-trained model> text
  1. LSTM Model
  2.1. For unconditional text generation, use:
       ./predict.sh lstm 0 <no of words> <path of pre-trained model>
  2.2. For conditional text generation,use:
       ./predict.sh lstm 1 <no of words> <path of pre-trained model> text

### Parameters

<no of words> No. of words to be generated
1             Flag for Conditional text generation
0             Flag for Unconditional text generation
text          Seed/Context sequence.Format: 'space separated tokens' string


Trained models of all three social platforms are stored in lm_models/<model_technique>/<social_type>. Here "<model_technique>" is the type of technology used to build a language model. If the model is N-gram based, its value is ngram_models else lstm_models. "<social_type>" is the directory name for a specific social media platform (tw for Twitter, instafor Instagram, and fb for Facebook). Each model has its output format, such as model inside "ngram_models" are in .pkl whereas models in "lstm_models" are in .hdf5 format.

NOTE: This git repository doesn't contain any large files because of size limitations (max 100 MB is allowed) by Github and will be available from below mentioned link. All the N-gram-based models and training data of all social platforms are present in "bzip2" compressed form (.bz2). Initially, they all were in pickled form (.pkl)

LINK: https://iiitaphyd-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/priyansh_agrawal_research_iiit_ac_in/EnV74VjDxMNNohD1LJ1QE5oB8eHv39TGAAhSAIXA1nC5mQ?e=CMuQyv