
This application aims to early detection of lung cancer to give patients the best chance at recovery and survival using CNN Model.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This application aims to early detection of lung cancer to give patients the best chance at recovery and survival using CNN Model. Using a data set of thousands of high-resolution lung scans, this model will accurately determine when lesions in the lungs are cancerous. This will dramatically reduce the false positive rate that plagues the current detection technology, get patients earlier access to life-saving interventions, and give radiologists more time to spend with their patients.



Priyansh ShahHarshil RanaIshan ShahManan Shah


We have taken 50 patients as a sample dataset for training and validation. Link is available below:

Sample Dataset Images: https://qnm8.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/Ep5GUq573mVHnE3PJavB738Bevue4plkiXyNkYfxHI-a-A?e=UVMWne

Sample Dataset CSV for above images: CSV File

Output Screenshots


Demo Video


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