
Care4You: A mobile/web app which would let students connect with counsellors available in campus. Students can share their issues related to stress, depression cases, as well as other problems which are quite common to teenagers. Counsellors can provide suggestions via chat, video call on the app itself. Possible add-ons: A WebRTC based internal communication system, Websockets for real-time chatting module, Anonymous identity option

Primary LanguageCSS


We made this web app for Hackathon for HackNPitch @ Jadavpur University Entrepreneurship Summit 2021

Care4You: A web app which would let students connect with counsellors available in campus. Students can share their issues related to stress, depression cases, as well as other problems which are quite common to teenagers. Counsellors can provide suggestions via chat, video call on the app itself. Possible add-ons: A WebRTC based internal communication system, Websockets for real-time chatting module, Anonymous identity option

This application created on node.js and socket.io modules. It includes a server built in node.js and a html client.

Following are the tools, needed to install the application dependencies:

Node (Download and install from nodejs site) npm (It will get install automatically along with Node) Pull this project to see the changes.

To run: Please be sure you have expressjs and socket.io modules installed before running this application.

On Windows/Mac/Linux:

$ npm init -y

$ npm i express socket.io ejs

$ npm i --save-dev nodemon

Extract all the files from Group Chat.zip to CARE4U-MAIN go to ../html/index.html Run the file index.html with "Open with live server" option on right click on file

Future features:

  • Chat history with MongoDB and LocalStorage
  • User privacy is maintained, by not recording the chat between mentor and user (Screenshot detector)
  • Bad word filters
