
SoundDash is a music streaming website developed as a semester project. It currently features a roster of select music tracks available for streaming. The website is hosted at


Please be aware that the login and signup functionalities are not currently hosted, so refrain from clicking on the top right button.


  • Music Streaming: Enjoy a selection of music tracks available on the platform.
  • User Authentication: Although not currently hosted, the website includes login and signup functionalities.
  • Semester Project: SoundDash was developed as part of a semester project, showcasing skills and knowledge acquired during the academic term.


  1. Visit
  2. Explore the available music tracks.
  3. Note: Login and signup functionalities are disabled for now.

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Netlify (for hosting)


Contributions to SoundDash are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements or new features, feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.

Issues and Bugs

If you encounter any issues or find bugs, please report them on the GitHub Issues page.


SoundDash is licensed under the MIT License.