This code helps you classify different alphabets of hindi language Devanagari Characters using convolutional network.
• Need some Pre-installed Packages like
- Anaconda Distribution- Python 3.7
Link -
- OpenCV – it should be installed via anaconda prompt after installation of Anaconda Distribution
Link -
- WebCam
You can install Conda for python which resolves all the dependencies for machine learning. This code is checked on :
Python version = 3.5.6
keras version = 2.2.0
Tensorflow version = 1.10.0
This code successfully recognizes hindi characters.
I have used convolutional neural networks. I am using Tensorflow as the framework and Keras API for providing a high level of abstraction.
- You can go for additional conv layers.
- Add regularization to prevent overfitting.
- You can add additional images to the training set for increasing the accuracy.
- Dataset- DHCD (Devnagari Character Dataset) data.csv
- Images of size 32 X 32
- Convolutional Network Support added.