Top JS Books

  1. Eloquent JavaScript - Marjin Haverbeke
  2. JavaScript: The good parts - Douglas Crockford
  3. Learn JavaScript visually - Ivelin Demirov
  4. JavaScript: The definitive guide - David Flanagan
  5. A smarter way to learn JavaScript - Mark Myers
  6. Zell's Course - Intermediate
    Non Programming
    1. Atomic Habits by James clear
    2. Deep work by Cal Newport
    3. The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen covey
    4. Managing Oneself by Peter Drucker
    5. Essentialism by Greg Mckeown

A list of five resume builders that will make your CV Stand-out :

  1. resumake. io

  2. wtfresume. com

  3. rx-resume. web. app

  4. cv.bytevitae. com

  5. gitconnected. com/resume-builder

  6. svgporn. com High quality svg logos

  7. openpeeps. com Human illustration generator

  8. uidesigndaily. com I draw design inspiration from here

  9. carbon. now. sh A code snippet with style for presentation

  10. drawkit. io Hand drawn illustrations.

  11. unsplash .com Free stock photos

  12. fontpair. co Awesome Google Font combination

  13. happyhues. com Superb colors palettes.

  14. ohshitgit. com

  15. css-tricks. com

  16. exercism. io

  17. dbdiagram. io

  18. cssfilters. co

  19. bundlephobia. com

YouTube Channels

  1. Traversy Media
  2. Freecodecamp
  3. The Net Ninja
  4. CS50
  5. Sentdex
  6. DesignCourse
  7. Red stapler
  8. Kevin Powell
  9. codeSTACKr
  10. Dev Ed
  11. Web Dev Simplified
  12. Florinpop
  13. Coding Garden With CJ
  14. Telusko
  15. Corey Schafer
  16. Hitesh Choudhary
  17. Programming With Mosh
  18. Academind
  19. Derek Banas
  20. Fireship
  21. Ben Awad
  22. Forrest Knight
  23. Andy Sterkowitz
  24. Program With Erik
  25. Andre Madarang
  26. codú community
  27. Nayyar Shaikh
  28. Jason Lengstorf
  29. Gaurav Sen
  30. CodeWithHarry
  31. Tech With Tim
  32. Raf Rasenberg
  33. Chris Hawkes
  34. Khan Academy
  35. Manoj Fernando
  36. Easy Tutorials
  37. Coding The Smart way
  38. Coding Addict
  39. Skillthrive
  40. Steve Griffith
  41. Pragmatic Reviews
  42. Codedamn
  43. Flavio
  44. James Q Quick
  45. Adrian Twarog
  46. Tyler Potts
  47. Codar Codar
  48. Ania Kubow
  49. Kalle Hallden More Youtube Channel Visit Link

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Learning Platforms

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Youtube Channels

  • Traversy Media
  • FreeCodeCamp
  • The Net Ninja
  • Google Chrome Developers
  • The New Boston
  • Derek Banas
  • Academind


  • Syntax
  • Fullstack radio
  • The Changelog
  • The Laracasts Snippet
  • Front End Happy Hour
  • JavaScript Jabber Archives
  • Commit Your Code!
  • Shop Talk
  • Ladybug Podcast
  • CodePen Radio
  • JAMStack Radio
  • Modern web

Code Editors

  • Visual Studio Code [VS Code]
  • Sublime Text
  • Atom
  • Brackets
  • Vim

Color Palettes

UI Inspiration


Animation Libraries

  • CSShake
  • Animate.css
  • AnimeJS
  • GreenSock (GSAP)
  • Magic Animations
  • Hover css
  • AniJS
  • Wicked CSS
  • Tuesday
  • Mo.js
  • Bounce.js

Charts / Data Visualization

  • Chart.js
  • D3.js
  • three.js

Chrome Extensions

  • Web Developer
  • CSSViewer
  • Wappalyzer
  • JSONView
  • Lorem Ipsum Generator
  • OneTab
  • Extensity
  • Hunter
  • Screen castify
  • Tab Resize

Website Optimization Tools

  • Google PageSpeed Insights
  • GTmetrix
  • WebPageTest
  • Yslow

Graphics Design Inspiration

  • Dribble
  • Behance
  • Awwwards
  • Logoinspirations
  • Collect ui
  • Designspiration
  • Pinterest

Animation Libraries for websites

  • CSSHake
  • Anime js
  • Bounce js
  • Mo js
  • Tuesday
  • Wicked css
  • Magic
  • Gsap

Developer Tools

  • CloudCraft
  • Figma
  • Font Flipper
  • VisBug
  • Insomnia
  • Flare
  • BundlePhobia
  • Soft Murmer

Important javaScript Concept

  • Hoisting
  • Callstack
  • IIFE
  • Scope
  • Callbacks
  • Async await


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