Project Description: Radio Classifier for Drone and Signal Detection


The Radio Classifier project is designed to address the growing concerns of unauthorized drone operations and signal interference in sensitive areas. This machine learning-based solution leverages Python and open-source libraries to differentiate between various consumer drone controllers and other wireless signals, such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

Technologies Used

  • Programming Language: Python
  • Libraries: NumPy, Pandas, TensorFlow
  • Frequency Range: 2.4 to 2.45 GHz


The primary goal of the Radio Classifier is to create a robust system capable of identifying and classifying signals transmitted within the 2.4 to 2.45 GHz frequency range. This frequency range is commonly used by consumer drone controllers, Bluetooth devices, and Wi-Fi networks. By analyzing these signals, the classifier aims to enhance security measures by detecting and categorizing different types of signals, thereby helping to prevent unauthorized drone activities in restricted or sensitive areas.

Technical Approach

  1. Data Collection and Preprocessing:
  • Signal Acquisition: The system captures radio frequency signals within the 2.4 to 2.45 GHz range. This involves using a compatible radio receiver to collect raw signal data from various sources, including drone controllers, Bluetooth devices, and Wi-Fi routers.
  • Feature Extraction: The captured data is processed to extract relevant features, such as signal strength, frequency patterns, and temporal characteristics. This is done using Python libraries such as NumPy and Pandas to handle and preprocess the data efficiently.
  1. Machine Learning Model:
  • Training: A machine learning model is developed using TensorFlow, a popular open-source library. The model is trained on labeled data representing different types of devices and signals. The training process involves feature engineering, model selection, and hyperparameter tuning to ensure accurate classification.
  • Evaluation: The classifier’s performance is evaluated using standard metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. The model is tested against a validation dataset to ensure it can reliably distinguish between different types of signals.
  1. Classification and Output:
  • Real-Time Classification: Once trained, the classifier is deployed to analyze incoming signals in real-time. It categorizes each signal as either a specific type of drone controller, Bluetooth device, or Wi-Fi signal based on its frequency signature.
  • Alerts and Reports: The system generates alerts for unauthorized or suspicious signals detected in restricted areas. Detailed reports are provided to help authorities understand the nature and source of the signals.

Impact and Applications

  1. Security Enhancement: The Radio Classifier contributes significantly to national security by detecting unauthorized drone activities, particularly in no-fly zones such as military bases and sensitive residential areas.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: By providing precise classification of drone controllers and other wireless signals, the system assists in enforcing regulations and preventing potential security breaches.
  3. Research and Development: This project serves as a foundation for further research into advanced signal classification techniques and their applications in various fields.


  1. The Radio Classifier project demonstrates the potential of machine learning and Python in enhancing signal classification and security measures.
  2. By accurately identifying and categorizing signals from various devices, it provides a valuable tool for monitoring and controlling unauthorized drone activities, thereby contributing to the safety and security of sensitive areas.