
Arduino Cli files for compile and upload

Step1: Download the setup file Step 2: Move the file to a path e.g. users/appdata/local/bin Step 3: Connect nodemcu board to PC. Step 4: Run terminal/cmd in the same directory you moved the file and write "arduino-cli core update-index" then hit enter. Step 5: Create a .yml file and place in the same directory.File includes: board_manager: additional_urls: -

Step 6: Run on the cmd/terminal : arduino-cli core update-index; arduino-cli core install esp8266:esp8266

Step 7: Create a folder and give the same name as your scratch file name. (Arduino file. e.g LowerSensor)

Step 8: Run on cmd/terminal: (MyFirstSketch is folder name) arduino-cli compile --fqbn esp8266:esp8266:nodemcu MyFirstSketch

Step 9: Run on cmd/terminal: (com5 is port works on windows only) arduino-cli upload -p com5 --fqbn esp8266:esp8266:nodemcu MyFirstSketch