
OpenWRT utility that syncs online RBLs to iptables via ipset sets.

Primary LanguageShell


Implements iptables RBL blocking using ipset - @robzr

Subscribe to RBL - minimalist OpenWRT (Chaos Calmer) script to download and compile IP based and CIDR (net) based RBLs from various sources into ipsets and insert rules into iptables which drops packets originating from entries in RBLs.

The included config file (/etc/config/sub2rbl) includes a number of IP based RBLs (primarily based on ssh brute force scanning) and Spamhaus DROP/EDROP net based RBLs (based on hijacked IP ranges used by spammers and cyber-criminals).


  • ipset + kmod-ipt-ipset for basic operation
  • curl + ca-certificates recommended for HTTPS RBLs (configured by default) -or-
  • wget + openssl-util + ca-certificates is an alternative to curl (GNU wget)

sub2rbl will intelligently select best option between curl/wget. To force the use of one, or modify the behavior, use the uci option "webGetCmd" (read script for details)


sub2rbl logs to syslog, so use the logread command to view the log. Optionally, use "-f stdout" to log to stdout, and "-l 2" or "-l 3" to increase logging verbosity.


sub2rbl runs out of the box with sane settings. Config options are stored in /etc/config/sub2rbl and are overridable at runtime with command line arguments. sub2rbl -h for a list of arguments.


opkg install ipset kmod-ipt-ipset curl ca-certificates
wget -O /etc/config/sub2rbl http://rawgit.com/robzr/sub2rbl/master/config/sub2rbl
wget -O /usr/sbin/sub2rbl http://rawgit.com/robzr/sub2rbl/master/sub2rbl
chmod 755 /usr/sbin/sub2rbl
echo /usr/sbin/sub2rbl >> /etc/firewall.user
echo '0 */6 * * * /usr/sbin/sub2rbl' >> /etc/crontabs/root
/etc/init.d/cron enable
# And to watch it in action, for the first run, try:
sub2rbl -l 2 -f stdout


You can take a look at the packet counts (first column) to see how many connection attempts the sub2rbl sets have prevented.

root@gw:~# iptables -nvL input_wan_rule
Chain input_wan_rule (1 references)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         
    0     0 DROP       all  --  *      *              match-set sub2rbl-net src
  204 12572 DROP       all  --  *      *              match-set sub2rbl src
 3390  389K bearDropper  all  --  *      *             


  • package
  • ipv6

Also see the sister project bearDropper for log based bans: http://github.com/robzr/bearDropper