
❤️ Motivation

There are many community applications for young people, such as Discord, that we use in the university or any other dating apps. However, there is no application for the elderly. However, due to COVID-19, the disconnection between the elderly is getting serious and there is a lack of opportunity to meet together. So, we decided to make an app that is easy for older people to use and helps them stay in touch and join activities that they want to do with other people in their community.

👩‍💻 What it does

It introduces the opportunity to do activities together in various categories, such as exercise, arts, dance, instruments, and study. They can join together, make their own activity meetings, and meet whenever and wherever they want with the people living in their community. They can even hang out to have a cup of coffee together, eat dinner, or have a small drink :) This application also introduces you to the news and library activities.

⚙️ How we built it

We used Google's Flutter and put it to use on the Android Studio and Xcode for the Android and iOS apps, respectively. We used Adobe XD for drawing the UI and implementing it in the application. Moreover, for the basic IDE, we used VS Code.

😰 Challenges we ran into

This is the first time we have used Flutter and Dart, and even the first time developing the application. We eventually became acquainted with the Dart and Flutter tool and language after a period of struggle. However, the backend was hard for us, and we want to improve it in the future.

🏆 Accomplishments that we're proud of

We eventually implemented every function that we planned to implement at the beginning of the projects, and we liked the UI of our applications.

👍 What we learned

We learned the basic process of app development, Flutter, Dart, Android Studio, and Xcode. The general process of working together for application development was great :)

😇 What's next for BuddyBuddy

  • Add a navigation map for elders to find locations easily.
  • Implement a face ID algorithm, so the elders do be require to manually put information to sign in. Just using the face recognition will auto generate information with random ID and nickname for more accessibility.
  • Implement web crawling to get information from the library.
  • Offer an auto match service using AI.

스크린샷 2022-02-20 오전 5 34 37

스크린샷 2022-02-20 오전 5 35 01