Display your styled outputs alongside their content and style image(s), in a single image.
Neural-Style or a similar style transfer system.
ImageMagick can be installed on Ubuntu with:
sudo apt-get install imagemagick
For a horizontal comparison:
./neural-display-h.sh <styled_image> <style_image(s)> <content_image>
For a vertical comparison:
./neural-display-v.sh <styled_image> <style_image(s)> <content_image>
The style images should be separated with a comma like they are in Neural-Style commands:
If you end up with a white background showing/the images not filling the space correctly, change the size_factor
value in the applicable script to a larger value.
#Example Outputs:
If you face a permission error, try using chmod to fix the issue:
chmod u+x ./neural-display-h.sh
chmod u+x ./neural-display-v.sh
You can also try adding sudo bash like:
sudo bash ./neural-display-h.sh
sudo bash ./neural-display-v.sh