Various stuff related to ADS-B


  • collectd configuration for PiAware. This version is configured with collectd's network plugin to create rrd files on a separate host.

  • Script to create rrdtool graphs containing dump1090 and other statistics. This version also has graphs not specific to ADS-B, including:
    • BIND DNS
    • Host uptime
    • Network traffic
    • Wireless signal
    • Disk I/O and space
    • CPU
    • Memory
    • NTP Some modification will be needed to get this to work in your environment.

  • A simple script to monitor PiAware from another host. It does a simple ping test as well as connecting to the FATSV output port to verify dump1090 is receiving messages. If these tests fail, and e-mail alert is sent.

range-example.php (& range.css)

  • Receiver range polar plot based on Virtual Radar Server range data. VRS saves range data in AppData\Local\VirtualRadar\SavedPlots<Receiver name.json>
  • Copy this json file to your web server, and adjust the path in the range.php file.
  • You will also have to adjust the map center coordinates in the php file on line 24.