
A Math library for Laravel 4

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A math package for Laravel 4.


After installing and registering the service provider, you can use the math library by referencing the Math facade:

// app/routes.php

Route::get('/', function()

	// Calculate the absolute value of -1
	$result = Math::abs(-1);


The Math::solve() Function

The math package provides a solve() function through the Math facade. This function can be used to solve equations or expressions entered by the user.


// app/routes.php

Route::get('/', function()

	// Create a new function f(x) = 2 + x
	Math::solve('f(x) = 2 + x');

	// Reference our previous function and pass in 23.
	$result = Math::solve('f(23)');

	// Result is equal to 25.
	echo $result;


We can also use all of the general math functions that are listed below:

// app/routes.php

Route::get('/', function()

	// Outputs 9.3326215443944E+157
	echo Math::solve('abs(factorial(100))');


General Math Functions

The math package currently provides the following functions from the ExecutionEngineInterface and be accessed through the Math object aliased through the Math facade.

  • abs($number) - Returns the absolute value of a number.
  • acos($number) - Returns the arc cosine of a number.
  • asin($number) - Returns the arc sine of a number.
  • atan($number) - Returns the arc tangent of a number.
  • atan2($x, $y) - Calculates the arc tangent of two variables.
  • ceiling($number) - ceiling($number)
  • cos($angle) - Returns the cosine of the specified angle.
  • cosh($angle) - Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the angle.
  • exp($number) - Returns e raised to given power.
  • floor($number) - Returns the next lowest integer of a number.
  • log($number, $base = M_E) - Returns the logarithm of a number in a specified base.
  • log10($number) - Returns the base-10 logarithm of a number.
  • max(array $numbers) - Returns the highest value in the array of numbers.
  • min(array $numbers) - Returns the lowest value in the array of numbers.
  • pow($base, $exponent) - Returns a base number raised to an exponent.
  • round($number, $precision = 0, $mode = PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP) - Rounds a number to the nearest value.
  • sign($number) - Returns a value indicating the sign of a number.
  • sin($angle) - Returns the sine of the given angle.
  • sinh($angle) - Returns the hyperbolic sine of of the angle.
  • sqrt($number) - Returns the square root of a given number.
  • tan($angle) - Returns the tangent of a specified angle.
  • tanh($angle) - Returns the hyperbolic tangent of an angle.
  • truncate($number) - Returns the integral part of a given number.
  • add($numberOne, $numberTwo) - Returns the sum of two numbers.
  • subtract($numberOne, $numberTwo - Returns the difference of two numbers.
  • multiply($numberOne, $numberTwo) - Returns the product of two numbers.
  • divide($numberOne, $numberTwo) - Returns the quotient of two numbers.
  • mod($numberOne, $numberTwo) - Returns the remainder of two numbers.
  • factorial($number) - Calculates the factorial of a number.



The math package allows you to write your own driver that will change how it performs the actual math operations. For example, you could create a new driver using the functions in the BCMath or the GMP math extensions. Just create a new driver that implements the Flare\Math\ExecutionEngineInterface contract.

There is a default driver that uses your systems default math operations: Flare\Math\Drivers\MathExecutionEngine

If you create a new driver, you may register it with the IoC like so:

class MyNewEngine implements \Flare\Math\ExecutionEngineInterface {
	// You will have to implement quite a few methods.


// app/routes.php

App::bind('ExecutionEngineInterface', new MyNewEngine());

After this the math package will now use your driver implementation.


The math package defines a code contract Flare\Math\SolutionEngineInterface. Your implementations of this will allow you to change the behavior of the Math::solve($expression) function.

For example, you could write a driver that does API calls to WolframAplha to provide answers to expressions entered by the user.

There is a default implementation that can be found at Flare\Math\Drivers\EvalMathDriver.