NOSH ChartingSystem Installation Instructions for Linux --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preparation: You'll need to have the following programs installed on your system prior to installation of NOSH ChartingSystem 1. Apache web server (needs to be running) 2. MySQL database. Make sure you remember the root password. This will be asked during the NOSH ChartingSystem installation. (needs to be running) 3. PHP 5.2 and higher 4. The following PHP modules installed and enabled: mysql, imap, mcrypt, imagick, gd, cli, curl, soap, pear 5. PERL 6. Imagemagick 7. PDF ToolKit (pdftk) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install the package: 1. Unzip the installation file in a directory of your choice. Go to the "nosh-cs" directory. 2. Open a terminal window and go to the "nosh-cs" directory. 3. Type "sh" to run the installation script. 4. Follow the instructions on the prompt. 5. Go to your web browser and type, "http://localhost/nosh" to begin the second stage of installation. 6. Wait for installation to complete. 7. Login to NOSH ChartingSystem as admin and configure your users and clinic parameters. It's important to do this first before any other users use NOSH ChartingSystem; otherwise, some features such as scheduling will not work correctly! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstall the package: 1. Open a terminal window and go to the "nosh-cs" directory where you ran the installation script. 2. Type "sh" to run the uninstallation script.
NOSH ChartingSystem is a new electronic health record designed for doctors in mind. It is based off of the Codeigniter PHP library, and jQuery.