- type
git clone https://github.com/ProbisMis/clevel-blog-app.git projectname
to clone the repository - type
cd projectname
- Open Solution .sln with Visual Studio 2019
- Open Package-Manager Console and type
. This should initiliase tables. - To Verify go to View - SQL Server Object Explorer - Connect to mssqllocaldb under
Databases - System Databases - master - Tables
- Run ISS Express.
(TEST) Open Postman Set Enviroment variable {{url}} to your localhost and port eg. http://localhost:13420
- type
cd projectname
- import
to Postman app.
- [NLog] for logging
- [XUnit] for unit test and coverage.
- [EntityFramework] for database query
- [Postman API Endpoints] for testing the application
- Basic Authentication (registration, login)
- User can add friends.
- User can block friends.
- Two users can start a chat.
- One user may block other, blocked user messages will not be recieved.
- Messages have read time. User can see if the reciever read it yet.
The project was challenging and fun.I spend aproximately 15 hours on this project. This is the first time i builded .NET Core Web Api and found it quite useful. Used NLog for logging it was easy to setup. EntityFramework for MSSQL localdatabase migration and queries. It was confusing at first which way to go Code-First or Database-First approach. I moved on with Code-First, however i could not be able to setup up foreign keys and table relations correctly. Test class is not very comprehensive. Couldn't find a way to tweak ILogger interface. Login/Register could be done with an authentication framework or with token.
Replace port, user_id, friend_id
GET All Friends, friend list. http://localhost:port/api/user/friends/user_id
GET Chat is used for reading messages. Order of ID's matters in order to update read status. http://localhost:port/api/chat/user_id/friend_id
GET Get All Chats, doesnt update read status. It will get all open chats of user. http://localhost:port/api/chat/user_id
Register,Login can be used by filling Username and Password are in Postman.
"Username" :"TEST",
"Password" :"123"
A sample response for login will return user data
A sample response for login error
Add Friend, Block Friend, Start Chat are using below parameters.
- user_id is sender, friend_id is reciever.
"user_id" :1,
"friend_id" :1002
Send Message
"message_body" : "Hello 1!",
"user_id" :1002,
"friend_id" :1
Get Message - If reciever recieves messages via GetChat function. Read status is updated. According to whose reading.