
Project for the BD course unit at FEUP

Primary LanguagePython


Repository for the project of the Databases course, at FEUP.

Objectives of the Project

The goal of this project was to design, create and populate a database, from an adequate theme. This means creating the conceptual model (first delivery), converting it to a relational model and an SQL schema and populating the database with adequate data.

The theme that we chose was a database for a live video streaming service (inspired and heavily based on Twitch).

Instructions to Run the Parser

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Follow Twitch's API tutorial to get a client ID and an app access token
  3. Open final-delivery/parser
  4. Place your client ID and your token where marked in request.py
  5. Run the first script:
    python request.py ALL
  6. (Optional) Fill a file population_files/json/chat_messages.json with possible chat messages (it should be a standard JavaScript object, whose keys are the streamer's names and the values are the lists with the respective chat messages)
  7. Run the second script:
    python parse.py

Tips and Tricks (for anyone doing a similar project)

  • When choosing a theme, if you want to fill the database with real information, find an API that works with the theme (if you don't find later, you're kind of screwed)
  • Using an API to populate the database is kind of easy. You just need the request module of Python to handle the requests for you
  • If you don't care about veracity, we strongly advise using the Faker module of Python, which generates random data, like names, emails and dates (the documentation is a little obscure, but, for most things, it works really well)



  • First delivery (40%): 19.3/20
  • Final delivery (60%): 19.4/20

Grade: 19.4/20