VULNSPY regularly retrieves the latest alerts published by the CERT-FR and the related vulnerabilities with their CVSS score and allows you to notify by email or by discord if a defined threshold is exceeded
- 0xOFenomenoLU-FR-TR
- 1d0n7kn0w
- Aagma
- AnTi96K
- Arkaines
- BlackNurse
- cedricfarinazzoParis
- chozeur42 Paris
- ChristbowelHackers Without Borders
- clem9669
- dawnl3ss@Hardware-Hub
- ferr079France
- ftxBeneva
- gderybelCRYPT.ON IT
- gelven4sec
- GhislainC
- handcofrFrance
- iamafram
- invokethreatguyToronto
- itstarsecFPT Telecom
- IvanDrag0
- iZxLqK
- julienatry
- noobosaurus-r3xHacktBack
- Odanslee
- prbond
- ReMetivier
- S4mB3ckSDSecBypass
- shadoworker5
- Siryu6Free2Move
- Su0ap
- TheBoloss
- TomparteFrance
- vinsk0h
- wakedxy
- williamdes@wdes, @phpmyadmin, @sudo-bot, @code-lts