
Sample JDK+Gradle project development environment

Primary LanguageJava

Sample Java Web application

This repository will help you set up a development environment using Java and Gradle, to build a Java Web application and bundle it to a WAR package.

The contents of this sample project was created based on the following article on the Gradle Guides website.

Build the image

The following commands use podman, but with Docker you will obtain the same results:

podman build -t sample-java-war .

You can provide the following build variables to customize the JDK and Gradle versions:

  • java_sdk (defaults to 8.312.07.1)
  • gradle_version (defaults to 6.9.1)

Run the environment

With the following command, a new container will be launched and attached to the project folder:

podman run -it --rm -v ./project:/workdir:z sample-java-war bash

Compile the WAR

To obtain the WAR for this sample project, issue the following commands inside the container:

gradle wrapper --gradle-version=6.9.1
./gradlew war

The product of the task war is located under project/build/libs/hello-servlet.war