
Python library for interacting with the Procuret API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Procuret Python

A Python library for interfacing with Procuret API. Procuret is a business - to - business payment platform that allows customers to pay for purchases over time, while the supplier is paid upfront.


  1. Installation
  2. Documentation
  3. Support


Procuret Python may be installed via PIP:

$ pip install procuret

To update Procuret Python to the latest version, use pip --upgrade:

$ pip install --upgrade procuret


Procuret Python offers a library of classes that map to services provided by the Procuret API.


Sessions are the means of authenticating requests to the Procuret API. All requests to Procuret API, save for those creating Sessions themselves, require a Session.

In Procuret Python, the Session class will handle all authentication for you. For example, it will compute the SHA256 signature that must be included in your HTTP headers.


  • .session_id: int - A 63-bit positive integer uniquely identifying this Session. Session will include this number in requests to Procuret API, so that Procuret API can identify you.
  • .api_key - A 192-bit random number encoded in urlsafe base64 and generated in a cryptographically secure manner. Session will use this key to sign your requests to Procuret API using the SHA256 algorithm.


.create_with_email(...) -> Session

Use .create_with_email() to create a new Session. This is analogous to "logging in" to the Procuret API.

  1. email: str - Your account email
  2. plaintext_secret: str - Your plaintext passphrase
  3. perspective: Perspective - an instance of Perspective
  4. code: str - A two factor authentication code. Obtain via SecondFactorCode
  5. lifecycle: Lifecycle - Defaults to .LONG_LIVED
Example Usage
session = Session.create_with_email(
    plaintext_secret='excellent passphrase',
.from_interactive_prompt() -> Session

Call this method to use an interactive Session creation procedure.


SecondFactorCode allows you to generate two-factor authentication codes for use in creating Session instances.


.create_with_email(...) -> None

This method will cause a two-factor authorisation code to be sent to the communication method associated with your Procuret account. You can then use that code as the code parameter when creating a Session.

  1. email: str - Your account email
  2. plaintext_secret: str - Your plaintext passphrase
  3. perspective: Perspective - an instance of Perspective
Example Usage
    plaintext_secret='excellent passphrase',


InstalmentLink facilitates the creation of customised links to the Procuret Instalment Product (PIP). PIP allows a customer Business to pay for a purchase over time, while you the Supplier are paid upfront.

When you create an InstalmentLink, you can ask Procuret to send an email to the customer Business on your behalf.


  • .invitee_email: str - The email address you associated with the link
  • .invoice_amount: Decimal - The invoice amount presented by the link
  • .invoice_identifier: str - The invoice ID presented by the link
  • .url: str - The URL of the link


.create(...) -> InstalmentLink
  1. supplier: Union[int, EntityHeadline] - Either the unique integer identifier of your Supplier entity in Procuret, or an instead of EntityHeadline describing your Supplier entity.
  2. invoice_amount: Decimal - The amount that you wish to charge the customer, in Australian dollars.
  3. invoice_email: str - The email address you wish to associate with this link.
  4. invoice_identifier: str - Your own identifier for the invoice. For example, you might use an invoice number from your accounting system.
  5. communication: CommunicationOption - An instance of CommunicationOption, which will tell Procuret API what you want it to do with the supplied email address.
  6. session: Session - An instance of Session, which will be used to authenticate your request.
Example usage
# First we get a Session. In this case we authenticate with email and
# passphrase. In a real integration, you might store the Session elsehwhere.
session = Session.create_with_email(
    code='12346'  # Obtained via `SecondFactorCode`

# Now we use the Session in an InstalmentLink.create() call, along with
# the parameters describing the link. By supplying
# CommunicationOption.EMAIL_CUSTOMER, we tell Procuret that we would like
# Procuret to send an email to the customer on our behalf inviting them
# to pay using the link.
link = InstalmentLink.create(
    invoice_identifier='T 055',


Perspective is an enumeration of possible angles from which a client can engage with Procuret. If you wish to use Procuret services from the perspective of a Supplier, you will create a Session with the Perspective.SUPPLIER case.




An enumeration of possible Session lifecycles - A "short lived" Session will expire after a period of disuse. A "long lived" Session will never expire, and must be manually deleted.

Consider opting for a short-lived Session wherever practical, to reduce the probability of the stored credential being compromised.




An enumeration of instructions you can send Procuret in some contexts, to tell it how you wish for it to contact (or not contact) the a customer.


  • .EMAIL_CUSTOMER - Procuret will contact the customer by email
  • .DO_NOT_CONTACT_CUSTOMER - Procuret will not try to contact the customer


Please contact us anytime at support@procuret.com with any questions. To chat with us less formally, please feel free to tweet @hugh_jeremy.

For more general information about Procuret, please visit procuret.com.