
This module is designed to carry out repetitive tasks as defined in a schedule based upon calendar and event conditions.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • Minimal overhead. Agenda aims to keep its code base small.
  • Mongo backed persistence layer.
  • Scheduling with configurable priority, concurrency, and repeating.
  • Event backed job queue that you can hook into.
  • Optional standalone web-interface dashboard to see jobs with current statuses.

Example Usage

1. This is always the first step to initialize the agenda which will auto sync all pending jobs on server or pm2 restart.

const schedular = require('./schedular');
const dbName = "MY_DB";

2. To Schedule an event/job

  • apiUrl - (Required) This is the webhook URL where you want to receive the event at specified or scheduled time interval.
  • triggerAt - (Reuired) - It is in the format of "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM".
  • jobId - (Required) - It should be unique, the job will be created with this name.
  • Rest fields are just meta data which you will get in return on the webhook URL.
let evenObj = {
    "jobTitle": label,
    "jobId": unique_id,
    "apiUrl": _apiUrl,
    "triggerAt": dueDate

3. To cancel already scheduled event

  • jobId - (Required) This is the jobId with which the job has been initialized.

4. To reschedule already scheduled event

  • jobId - (Required) This is the jobId with which the job has been initialized.
  • jobData - (Required) This is similar to create job JSON Data object which you want to update for the event.

Example Usage (Dashboard)

  • You can run directly with node agenda_dashboard.js or you can also use pm2 to run it forever -
pm2 start agenda_dashboard.js

You will be able to see the dashboard on - http://localhost:5959/