
A file sharing application based on Django

Primary LanguagePython


Video tutorial for the app is available on YT: https://youtu.be/hqZzzsNepjQ

This app is for users to easily share files with each other.


Part 1:

  1. A user can login.
  2. User can upload files.
  3. User can view his/her uploaded files.

Part 2:

  1. It is mobile responsive.
  2. User can search and view profile of other users.
  3. They can share their uploaded files with any of those users.
  4. Users can see the shared files by other users also in uploaded files.

Additional Features:

  1. In users profile user can set his/her profile picture.
  2. Users can download other users' uploaded files.
  3. The user can upload any type of files such as images, videos, text files and also different types of programs like python code, java code, etc.

Technologies Used:

  • Python
  • Django
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript

Additional Python Modules Required:

  • Django
  • django-crispy-forms
  • Pillow

Note :

The Secret_Key required for the execution and debugging of project has not been removed from the project code. So it can be used without generating a new one.

Usage :

python django_web_app/manage.py makemigrations

python django_web_app/manage.py migrate

python django_web_app/manage.py runserver

In your web browser enter the address : http://localhost:8000 or

Screenshots :