The all of HTML5 in one big kitchen sink demo!
Provide simple examples of all the HTML tags with content that describes the purposes of the tags or constructs where possible. The page is not meant to be realistic rather to provide a rapid yet complete overview of what is available in HTML. While the demo is complete in basic coverage, for detailed coverage links are provided to associated specifications or element specific demos.
Note: This page is not meant to show proper usage, though it generally does not abuse HTML do not confuse syntax awareness with correct employment as they are two very different topics and the later is very contextual, subjective and will likely take significant effort to master.
This is parimarily a teaching repository in support of classes at UC San Diego including CSE110, CSE 112, CSE134B, CSE135 and any other classes where web technologies may be employed. However, anyone interested in contributing or modifying content should create a pull request or speak to me about proposed changes.
Planned Improvements
- More a11y emphasis
- Better demo for data-* attributes to promote use
- i18n content
- Encourage an initial translation to Mandarin for student support