
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simplify the creation of QLearning


Run the following to install:

pip install Easy-QLearning


import EQL
####Initialise QTable####
#Mission: go to the house without run over the human
#Game grid
Grid = [#1 = House, -1 = Human

#First car position coordinates
x = 0
y = 2
#Current state
state = 7
#Action list and travel coordinate
actions = [
    [-1, 0], # Up
    [1, 0], #Down
    [0, -1], # Left
    [0, 1] # Right

#Make QTable
Qtable = EQL.QLearning(nbAction=4,nbState=10)

####Train the QTable####
#100 games
for _ in range(100):
    #Reset the car position
    x = 0
    y = 2
    #Default state
    state = 7
    #While the car are not in the house
    while x != 2 or y != 0:
        #Display the grid
        yTemp = 0
        for line in Grid:
            xTemp = 0
            for pt in line:
                print("%s\t" % (pt if yTemp != y or xTemp != x else "X"), end="")
                xTemp += 1
            yTemp += 1
        #Choose an action
        action = Qtable.takeAction(state,epsilon=0.4)
        #Move the car
        y = max(0, min(y + actions[action][0],2))
        x = max(0, min(x + actions[action][1],2))
        #Calcul the position in the grid (state)
        newState = (y*3+x+1)
        #Get the reward of the position
        reward = Grid[y][x]
        print("state : ", newState)
        print("reward : ", reward)
        #Update Q function
        #Next state
        state = newState
#Display the QTable
for s in range(1, 10):
    print(s, Qtable.QTable[s])

#Save my QTable in myTable.npz

#Load my QTable from myTable.npz
$ pip install -e .[dev]