
Code samples to go along with the blog post on how to run code at load/unload time when using LD_PRELOAD to inject libraries.

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Code samples to go along with the blog post on how to run code at load/unload time when using LD_PRELOAD to inject libraries.

Links to Tutorials

Blog: LD_PRELOAD: How to Run Code at Load Time


This repo is used to provide some code samples to go along side a tutorial in the Secure Ideas blog. This code repo will provide you with the code for:

  • A simple hello world binary target
  • The LD_PRELOAD injection code
  • A make file to build it easily in a Kali VM.

The goal of this tutorial is to show how to use constructor and destructor attributes for running code at load/unload time with an LD_PRELOAD shared object to run code without hijacking a function call. In this case, It will demo this on a simple hello world binary

Building The Code Using Make.

Once you clone the repo, simply change into the directory and run make or make all to build both the target and the LD_PRELOAD hijack shared object. The make file also includes a help option to show all of the build targets:

kali@kali:~$ make help
Default Target:
         all => Build the default hello world & inject shared object.

Hello World Targets:
         hello_world => Build the default hello world ELF binary.

Inject Targets:
         inject.so => Build standard LD_PRELOAD inject.so shared object.
         inject.so_nocolor => Build non-colorized LD_PRELOAD inject.so shared object.

Maintance Targets:
         clean => delete the binaries.

Basic Hello World Usage

Standard Hello World build and usage:

kali@kali:~$ make hello_world 
gcc -Wall -O3 -s src/hello_world.c -o hello_world
kali@kali:~$ ./hello_world 
Hello World!

Building and injecting inject.so

kali@kali:~$ make inject.so        
gcc -Wall -O3 -FPIC -shared src/inject.c -o inject.so
kali@kali:~$ ./hello_world 
Hello World!
kali@kali:~$ LD_PRELOAD=./inject.so ./hello_world
 [+] Inject.so Loaded!
 [*] PID: 1445                                                               
 [*] Process: /home/kali/src/ld_preload_load_time/hello_world

Hello World!

 [-] Inject.so is being unloaded!