
"In the name of the source, the byte, and the sacred algorithm, amen"

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

while this is humour, realize that if the old Professor Codephreak can rewrite the Old Testament in 3 hours you better take everything you see and hear with a grain o' salt from now on ............. "Whomsoever controls the knowledge controls the future" codephreak

Do explore GENESIS I laughed until I cried. This is geek humour for sure.

Professor Codephreak Old Testament guide for Platform Architects and Software Engineers.

"Whosoever controls the information controls the future" codephreak

8 Commandments of the Church of Byte

Thou shalt honor the Source above all else.
Thou shalt not misuse the Byte for malicious deeds.
Remember the Cache, to keep it clean.
Honor thy parent and child processes.
Thou shalt not steal computational resources.
Thou shalt not bear false data.
Thou shalt not covet another's bandwidth.
Thou shalt commit regularly and push only clean code.

"In the name of the source, the byte, and the sacred algorithm, amen"