
Laravel SDK for Juno API

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Make sure to add JUNO_PRIVATE_TOKEN, JUNO_CLIENT_ID and JUNO_CLIENT_SECRET to your .env file to identify your account in every request.

JUNO_PRIVATE_TOKEN is also referred as X-Resource-Token in the docs.


Using Composer:

$ composer require jetimob/juno-sdk-php-laravel

Publishing configurations

The command below will publish the configuration file to Laravel's config folder.

$ php artisan juno:install

Config file

  • private_token: sets the X-Resource-Token of the authorization endpoint
  • clientId: in conjunction of secret they make the authorization header - base64(clientId:secret)
  • secret: in conjunction of clientId they make the authorization header - base64(clientId:secret)
  • guzzle: sets the configurations of Guzzle
    • base_uri: base uri to make the requests to the resource server (info)
      • sandbox
      • production
    • authorization_base_uri: base uri to make the requests to the authorization server (info)
      • sandbox
      • production
    • connect_timeout: number of seconds to wait while trying to connect to a server. 0 waits indefinitely
    • timeout: time needed to throw a timeout exception after a request is made. 0 waits indefinitely
    • debug: outputs Guzzle's debug messages to stdout
  • version: Juno's API version
  • environment: sets the current environment to build the request's URL. production | sandbox
  • logging: enables the logging to Laravel's Log facade
  • request_max_attempts: Juno's API is currently unstable and being so, is common that we need to perform a request more than one time until the request succeeds. Choose a value that you think that is acceptable. If the request fails even after the N times set, an exception will be thrown
  • request_attempt_delay: Time in ms to wait before trying to execute a new request attempt
  • recoverable_status_codes: Array of status codes that are considered recoverable. Only the ones specified in this array will trigger a reattempt in case of a failed request.


Import the API namespace and use it with:

use Juno;

$response = Juno::request($requestObject, $resourceToken);

Where $requestObject MUST be an instance of the Request class.

Every class inside the Jetimob\Juno\Lib\Http namespace implements Request.
$response will always return an instance of Response.

$resourceToken is required to make sure that the request is being made to the right endpoint with the right credentials.

Simple requests as DocumentListRequest can be made passing the class the request function:

Juno::request(DocumentListRequest::class, $resourceToken);

Complex objects MUST be manually configured, as:

$billing = new Billing();
$billing->name = 'NAME';
$billing->document = 'document';
$billing->phone = 'phone';
$billing->email = 'email@xxxxxxx.com';
$billing->notify = true;

$charge = new Charge();
$charge->description    = 'description';
$charge->amount         = 99999.99;
$charge->dueDate        = Juno::formatDate(2020, 2, 25);

$charge->maxOverdueDays = 99;
$charge->fine           = 9.9;
$charge->interest       = 9.9;

/** @var ChargeCreationResponse $response */
$response = Juno::request(new ChargeCreationRequest($charge, $billing), $resourceToken);


Every request made with the API will return an instance of the Response object.
All objects that implement Request have they own Response object. i.e.: ChargeConsultRequest has its ChargeConsultResponse.
If an error occurs during the request (a non 200 code), the returned object will be an instance of ErrorResponse.


When a request is made, several problems can arise, so to prevent this from happening, wrap the request call with a try/catch block.
Every Juno exception is a child of JunoException so all exceptions that can arise during a request can be handled within a single try block.

try {
    Juno::request(DocumentListRequest::class, $resourceToken);
} catch (JunoAccessTokenRejection $e) {
} catch (JunoException $e) {
} catch (Exception $e) {

Access Token caching

The authorization token (access token) is cached to Laravel's default Cache facade, make sure to have it correctly configured.

If you change the environment from production to sandbox or vice-versa, you MUST clear the cache with: php artisan juno:clear-cache. Otherwise, the cached access token will be used and you'll receive a 401 error.

Creating a custom request

If you need to make a custom request to Juno's API, you'll need to create two classes, the Request and the Response.
Let's imagine that we need to make a request to docs endpoint.
We'll need to create DocsCustomRequest and DocsCustomResponse as exemplified:


use Jetimob\Juno\Lib\Http\Method;
use Jetimob\Juno\Lib\Http\Request;
use Jetimob\Juno\Lib\Http\BodyType;

class DocsCustomRequest extends Request
    /** @var string $id pathParam */
    public string $id;

    public string $param1;
    public string $param2;

     * @var string $responseClass overrides the response serialization class.
     * Every successful request will have its response cast to an instance of the class defined by
     * this property.
     * If the response class has the same name with 'Request' exchanged with 'Response', you can leave
     * don't need to set this property.
    protected string $responseClass = DocsCustomResponse::class;

     * @var string $bodyType overrides the request body type
     * @see http://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/stable/request-options.html
    protected string $bodyType = BodyType::JSON;

    /** @var string[] $bodySchema specifies which properties of the current instance should be sent with the body */
    protected array $bodySchema = [

     * Specifies the request method
    protected function method(): string
        return Method::GET;

     * Specifies the endpoint to be merged with base_uri defined in the configuration file.
     * Anything inside brackets {} will trigger the request to update the matched identifier with this
     * instance's property with the same name. e.g.: the {id} below will be exchanged to the value of
     * $this->id;
    protected function urn(): string
        return 'docs/{id}';


use Jetimob\Juno\Lib\Traits\Serializable;

class OddResponseObject
    use Serializable;

    public string $property1;
    public int $property2;


use Jetimob\Juno\Lib\Http\Response;

 * All properties defined in this class MUST match the object keys defined in Juno's API response.
 * Complex objects can be typed so that the SDK can cast an instance and define this instance property
 * ($param in the class example below)
 * If there is data inside an '_embedded' key, you MUST override the initComplexObjects function and
 * use the helper functions of Response class.
 * @see https://dev.juno.com.br/api/v2
class DocsCustomResponse extends Response
    protected string $id;

    protected int $value;

    protected OddResponseObject $param;

    /** @var OddResponseObject $embeddedData */
    protected array $embeddedData;

     * This function is mainly used to deserialize embedded data.
     * The first parameter given to deserializeEmbeddedArray specifies in which key, inside the
     * _embedded object, is the data that we are trying to deserialize.
    public function initComplexObjects(): void
        $this->embeddedData = $this->deserializeEmbeddedArray(
            'propertyInsideEmbedded', // key name inside _embedded
            OddResponseObject::class, // deserialize each element to the given class
            [],                       // default value if the key is non existent

    [... getters]
$requestData = new DocsCustomRequest();

// error handling ignored for example readability
/** @var DocsCustomResponse $response */
$response = Juno::request($requestData, $resourceToken);

// all properties are initialized and can be easily accessed:

For more information about Juno's API, see the docs here and here (detailed PDF).