
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

NoteTool (Working Title)

I think a bit of backstory is needed. Currently I'm studying Computer Science at University. Personally I found it hard to take notes for my first year. I was constantly trying to methods or software to take notes. So over the summer between my first and second year I decided in classic programmer fashion. To Just Make my Own!! -> Note taking tool that is.

I chose C++ for the project because I like C++, for some reason.

Supported Platforms

Currently Only windows is the supported platform. But this is easy to fix. The only platform dependant code I haven't ported is the code to get the documents folder and the appdata folder.


  • Freetype
  • SDL2
  • stb single header libraries
  • tinyfiledialogs (This is already embedded)
  • GLAD (For OpenGL)
  • nlohmann JSON

Image of Editor

Notes editor