In all the work we've done over the years, nothing has been quite as liberating as thread-safe containers. They are an amazing experience for a developer because they allow the multi-threaded programmer to not have to worry about locks, lock contention, deadlocks, dirty reads, and a whole host of other issues that for years have made writing multi-threaded code difficult. These containers and objects free the user from having to worry about locking because they use the compare-and-swap (CAS) operations in GCC to ensure that the data accessed is done properly, and securely.
The focus of this library is not to be a general threading library. Nor is it to attempt to write code that's already written. As such, we're going to be using boost for several components. This will include things only used in the test applications - for example, threading code to test the multi-threaded queues. Since boost is available on virtually all platforms, and even included in the next C++ standard, this should not be a significant burden to the user.
There are even instructions to build it on Mac OS X, if you don't wish to use the Homebrew version that's freely available.
In order to make the conversion of the code as simple as possible, we have made a base class for each type of container in this library. These base classes are most easily used as instance variables, or method arguments, and then the specific type of container can be instantiated and used as if it were just the base class.
At the current time, we have the following base classes:
a simple first-in, first-out queue
As we get away from the low-level classes in DKit, we start to see how these components can be put together to form more significant components. One such group is the I/O package based on the boost's ASIO package. The problem with the boost package is that it still takes a non-trivial amount of work to put together some of the most fundamental things you'd need in a socket I/O library. Certainly, this is for flexibility, but when you're trying to handle exchange feeds, it makes it a lot easier if you don't start from that point, but maybe a little higher up the food chain.
This is the purpose of the DKit I/O package - to bring a set of completed, high-performance socket components that makes buidling these types of systems much easier.
The first element of DKit is the atomic integers. The sized integers in
are very useful for mixed-mode code, and yet there's nothing that
allow simple atomic access to these values. So the library has the following
classes defined in atomic.h
a simple atomic booleanauint8_t
a simple atomic unsigned 8-bit integeraint8_t
a simple atomic signed 8-bit integerauint16_t
a simple atomic unsigned 16-bit integeraint16_t
a simple atomic signed 16-bit integerauint32_t
a simple atomic unsigned 32-bit integeraint32_t
a simple atomic signed 32-bit integerauint64_t
a simple atomic unsigned 64-bit integeraint64_t
a simple atomic signed 64-bit integer
These all are simply an a
on the front of the types defined in stdint.h
and all have atomic access and updating. They all also have casting operators
that make it very easy to get the values out, when it's necessary.
Separated into a different namespace, the single-producer, single-consumer, containers have taken advantage of the fact that they are only filled by one and only one thread, and that they are emptied by one and only one thread. This means that their safe use in the code is the responsibility of the developer as they must be sure of the threads that are using these containers. However, when those conditions are met, these queues and other containers are exceptionally efficient, and perform their task very fast.
The simplest SPSC (single-producer, single-consumer) queue is a simple circular FIFO (first-in, first-out) queue. The implementation of this is really not all that different from any simple circular FIFO queue, with a few important exceptions. These exceptions, and the careful use by the user of this class make this a very nice candidate for simple pools.
One such excample, might be a std::string
pool where a single thread is
responsible for getting data from some source, placing it into std::string
instances, and then when they are processed by another thread, these
instances are recycled back to the pool. There's one "filling"
thread that reads from the queue, and another that "recycles" the spent
instances back to the pool.
Separated into a different namespace, the multiple-producer, single-consumer, containers have taken advantage of the fact that they are filled by many threads, but they are emptied by one and only one thread. This means that their safe use in the code is the responsibility of the developer as they must be sure of the threads that are using these containers. However, when those conditions are met, these queues and other containers are very efficient, and perform their task admirably.
The simplest MPSC (multiple-producer, single-consumer) queue is a simple linked FIFO (first-in, first-out) queue. In contrast to the CircularFIFO in this namespace, the LinkedFIFO allows for an unlimited size, constrained only by the available memory of the device. The trade-off is, of course, that the elements placed in this queue have their storage allocated on the heap. In contrast to the CircularFIFO, whose size is predetermined, and whose locations are contiguous, the LinkedFIFO can have it's elements scattered around the memory space, and therefore not as efficient to access as the CircularFIFO.
Yet, there will be times when this is not a significant downside, and the fact that the implementation is simple, and efficient makes up for the slight inefficiency in the accessing of elements in the queue.
The fastest MPSC queue is a simple circular FIFO queue. The implementation
of this is very similar to that of the SPSC circular FIFO queue, with the
significant differences coming into play in the data structures as well as
the implementation of the push()
and pop()
The big difference in this implementation is that in order to allow for
multiple producers, we had to ensure that the push()
method did ONE and
only one atomic operation to find a new, open, spot for the incoming data.
This means that the "increment and test" scheme in the SPSC CircularFIFO will
NOT work, and we had to come up with something a little more interesting.
SImilarly, the pop()
method needed to take into account that we have but a
single thread hitting this method, and yet we needed to make sure that we
integrated nicely with the data structures that were necessary for the
multiple producers.
Separated into a different namespace, the single-producer, multiple-consumer, containers have taken advantage of the fact that they are filled by one thread, but they are emptied by many threads. This means that their safe use in the code is the responsibility of the developer as they must be sure of the threads that are using these containers. However, when those conditions are met, these queues and other containers are very efficient, and perform their task admirably.
The simplest SPMC (single-producer, multiple-consumer) queue is a simple linked FIFO (first-in, first-out) queue. Like the LinkedIFO on the MPSC namespace, this LinkedFIFO allows for an unlimited size, constrained only by the available memory of the device. The trade-off is, of course, that the elements placed in this queue have their storage allocated on the heap.
Yet, there will be times when this is not a significant downside, and the fact that the implementation is simple, and efficient makes up for the slight inefficiency in the accessing of elements in the queue.
In order to implement a SPMC circular FIFO queue, we had to abandon the use
of _head
and _tail
in the calculation of the size()
. This was because
it was possible to have a lockless queue if we allow that the _head
are at times only potential indexes into the queue and not a
definite location at the time. With this, we can back up certain
operations so that it's possible to keep things lockless, and the only real
cost is that the size()
method can't depend on these values.
To remedy this problem, we added a simple _size
instance variable and used
the CAS increment and decrement operators when we are certain that the
and pop()
methods have succeeded. The downside of this is that
all the operations are going to take longer. How much longer? On my
development machine, here's a run of the MPSC CircularFIFO:
=== Testing speed and correctness of CircularFIFO ===
Passed - pushed on 500 integers
Passed - popped all 500 integers
Passed - unable to pop from an empty queue
Passed - did 50000000 push/pop pairs in 1127.99ms = 22.5598ns/op
and the overhead of the _size
maintenance is seen in the SPMC queue:
=== Testing speed and correctness of CircularFIFO ===
Passed - pushed on 500 integers
Passed - popped all 500 integers
Passed - unable to pop from an empty queue
Passed - did 50000000 push/pop pairs in 2781.11ms = 55.6222ns/op
It's still important to understand this is far better than the linked FIFO queues, but there is a speed penalty, and it's important to keep this in mind.
When dealing with a stream of data that's coming faster than you can process
it, it's often very helpful to have a conflation queue that conflates the
data in the stream. Basically, each item going into the queue has a
associated with it. This key_value()
can be of varying sizes,
but it's unique for this type of data.
Say we have market data. IBM's trade price is coming in faster than we can process it, so we want to be able to have the latest price of IBM, but I don't care if I skip some values that I didn't have time to process anyway.
This conflation queue is built on one of the CircularFIFO
queues as well as
a trie
(see below). The combination is that we can update existing values
on the queue while maintaining their position in the queue, and do it all in
a lockless way. This queue is very fast for what it does.
Using it is primarily a matter of configuration. After that, it's just a
queue, and you can push()
and pop()
just like any other FIFO<T>
queue. But configuration is a little more involved:
namespace dkit {
* This is the main class definition. The paramteres are as follows:
* T = the type of data to store in the conflation queue
* N = power of 2 for the size of the queue (2^N)
* Q = the type of access the queue has to have (SP/MP & SC/MC)
* KS = the size of the key for the value 'T'
* PN = the power of two of pooled keys to have in reserve (default: 2^17)
template <class T, uint8_t N, queue_type Q, trie_key_size KS, uint8_t PN = 17> class cqueue :
public FIFO<T>
} // end of namespace dkit
You can think of this as the configuration of the queue, the trie, and then a pool of key values for the queue.
One of the most efficient lockless data structures I've used in the past couple of years is the trie. This is an exceptionally efficient way of organizing a lot of data with very fast access times into, and out of, the structure. I have found that placing pointers into the trie makes it very easy as those are then CAS-ed into place and read as easily. The structure of the trie is built out once, and then left in place, even if the contents are NULL-ed out. It's simple, but very effective.
The trie in DKit takes two parameters: the data type that's going to be held, and the size of the key used to reference these data elements. The size can be one of the following:
namespace dkit {
enum trie_key_size {
uint16_key = 2,
uint32_key = 4,
uint64_key = 8,
uint128_key = 16,
} // end of namespace dkit
The memory management of the contents of the trie is always the responsibility of the trie. Therefore, if the template type is a pointer, then the storage associated with these pointers will be freed by the trie when the values are overwritten, or simply deleted. For non-pointers, the same is true, but there isn't the impact to leaking and memory management.
The way values are placed into the trie is dictated by the key
that is
generated for each value. For the template value type, it's required that
a method be implemented to provide the key for a given value:
uint64_t key_value( const blob *aValue )
return (*aValue).getValue();
Of course, this example assumes you're using the 64-bit key size, but it's possible to make it for any of the associated key sizes.
Once the trie is created, adding values is fairly simple:
dkit::trie<blob *, dkit::uint64_key> m;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
blob *b = new blob(i);
There are methods for accessing the data as well, and because it's possible to
ask for a value that's simply not available, we need to return a bool
indicating whether or not we found a value to return. In practice, this looks
something like this:
blob *bp = NULL;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
if (!m.get(i, bp)) {
error = true;
std::cout << "ERROR - failed to get key=" << i << "!" << std::endl;
The final significant feature of the trie is it's functor-based access to the
contents of the trie. All that's required is to subclass the trie's functor
class, implement the process()
method, and then work on the Node
as desired:
class counter : public dkit::trie<blob *, dkit::uint64_key>::functor
counter() : _cnt(0) { }
virtual ~counter() { }
virtual bool process( volatile dkit::trie<blob *, dkit::uint64_key>::Node & aNode )
return true;
uint64_t getCount() { return _cnt; }
uint64_t _cnt;
and then:
counter worker;
With this general structure it's possible to make a great number of storage containers, and they all should be very high performance.
In addition to the atomic integers and the lockless containers, this library
starts to combine these things into some interesting components that we've
used in data feeds and high through-put systems. To make use of the queues,
it's nice to have a framework to stitch them together, so we have created the
, dkit::sink
and the dkit::adapter
. These base classes are
template classes that work together to have a very simple, but very effective,
pub/sub system.
The naming convention is from the perspective of the running process. A
primarily takes things from any source and generates the
template values for the dkit::sink
instances to listen to. An example of
a dkit::source
is a UDP multicast listener. One might subclass the
and specialize it to pass std::string
instances, and then
simply build the code that opened up the UDP socket, listened for the
datagrams, and when one came in, convert it to a std::string
and then
call send()
with it.
Each dkit::source
can have as many dkit::sink
instances registered as
listeners as needed. When a call is made to dkit::source::send()
, all the
registered listeners are sent the same item, in turn. The order is not
guaranteed, but all will be messaged with the data. With these classes being
templates, it's easy to make them move integers, or pointer to classes, etc.
The dkit::adapter
class is a dkit::source
and a dkit::sink
back-to-back so that it takes one template type, and generates another
template type. This could be in-line, or it could be a buffered operation,
or it could be that one input generates many outputs - it's totally up to
the implementation. The use of this is just as easy as you'd think - as a
multiple inheritance template class, it's just got the same methods that
the dkit::source
and dkit::sink
have - just in one object.
The real utility of these classes is that they provide all the necessary infrastructure that's needed for you to build on. You simple subclass the appropriate class, and even specialize it with a given type, and you can add in all the behaviors you need.
One of the components we can build with the components already described is
a simple object pooler. This pooler is a template class that allows the
user to specify what it is that's being pooled, how many to keep (by a
power of 2), and what's the scope of the usage. The idea is that if you
are building a data reader, and have the need for a lot of std::string
instances - but you only need them for a little bit, and then back into a
pool they can go, then you can make a pool very simply:
#include "pool.h"
// make a pool of up to 2^5 (=32) std::string pointers
dkit::pool<std::string *, 5, dkit::sp_sc> pool
std::string *n =;
// something with the std::string pointer
This usage is very common in a lot of data handling and messaging systems. So much so that it was one of the reasons that these lockless queues were written in the first place.
With this, the user can easily make a pool of just about anything. It properly handles pointers as well as plain-old-datatypes.
The first addition to DKit's I/O package is the UDP Receiver. This is a
subclass of the source<T>
class, discussed above, and it's specialized to
deliver the UDP datagrams that will be arriving on a UDP multicast channel.
There are several classes that work together to make this happen:
The basic UDP multicast channel can be described as an address and a port,
or it can be combined into a URL of the form: udp://<addr>:<port>
. These are easily constructed either way:
#include "multicast_channel.h"
dkit::io::multicast_channel chan_a("", 30001);
dkit::io::multicast_channel chan_b("udp://");
The second form is probably going to be more useful in the long-run as it's the easiest way to have the channels defined in some persistence system or config file and have all parts identified clearly and plainly.
This is the primary transport container for the UDP datagrams coming out of the UDP reveicer. These are created within the UDP receiver and maintained in a pool so that there is a steady supply available at any time. This has been found to be a critical point in high-performace systems as it virtually removes all creation/destruction slowdowns.
The important data in the datagram is the data, it's size, and when it was captured off the host OS socket buffer. This is the first point we can possibly tag it, and it's as close to the actual arrival time as we can be.
This is the main class for the UDP transmitter, and it's use is fairly simple:
create an instance, deciding to share an ASIO thread for processing - or not,
and then wire it up to a dkit::source<datagram*>
with addToListeners()
When the source sends a datagram to our transmitter, it'll take the contents
of that datagram and send it out on the configured UDP multicast channel using
boost's ASIO for sending.
udp_transmitter xmit(multicast_channel("udp://"));
When you're done, remove it as a listener from the source, tell it to shutdown. That's it.
This is the main class for the UDP receiver, and it's use is fairly simple: create an instance, deciding to share an ASIO thread for processing - or not, and then start it listening. When you're done, tell it to shutdown. That's it.
MySink<datagram*> dump;
udp_receiver rcvr(multicast_channel("udp://"));
// now let's stay in this loop as long as we need to...
while (rcvr.isListening() && !dump.allDone()) {
std::cout << "shutting down due to inactivity..." << std::endl;
The only real tricky part is how to make the receiver of the datagrams.
Because of the way that the template classes are constructed, the way to
make a sink<t>
subclass for UDP datagrams is to subclass the template
class sink<T>
and leave it as a template class and then when you
instantiate it, you specialize it to listen for the data type <datagram*>
This is highlighted in this minimal implementation:
template <class T> class MySink :
public dkit::sink<T>
MySink() { }
* This is the main receiver method that we need to call out to
* a concrete method for the type we're using. It's what we have
* to do to really get a virtual template class working for us.
virtual bool recv( const T anItem )
return onMessage(anItem);
* This method is called when we get a new datagram, and because
* we are expecting to instantiate this template class with the
* type 'T' being a <datagram *>, this is the method we're expecting
* to get hit. It's just that simple.
bool onMessage( const datagram *dg ) {
if (dg == NULL) {
std::cout << "got a NULL" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "got: " << dg->contents() << std::endl;
return true;
In order to make the code in the classes a little easier to use and work with,
we've also created a few utility classes put in a separate namespace: util
and located in the util directory.
This is a simple timer class that allows fast and accurate timing on the different platforms (linux, Mac OS X) that this codebase is targeted for. The reason for having this is that many of the test apps need to have accurate and lightweight timings to test for efficiencies as well as just to gather stats on the code.
There are referenced (epoch) and non-referenced timers because when you are doing interval timing you don't need to take the time to get the referenced timestamps, and it's all about lightweight measurements.
With these timestamps, it's important to be able to have them be
human-readable, so the timer
class has static methods for converting the
timestamps into nicely formatted strings. You can get the complete timestamp
(date and time) with and without microseconds, just the date, and just the
time. While not meant to be a general time format class, it's nice to have
something like this in the timer.
Copyright 2012 by Robert E. Beaty
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.