
A collection of libraries for better C++ programming

Primary LanguageC++

CppKit: A set of tools for efficient C++ programming


CppKit is a collection of libraries for efficient C++ programming under C++11. The gathered library is at best header-only, and only requires a C++11 compiler or C99 compiler. Some big libraries such as googletest and abseil are also included, and they are just the same as their origin.


CppKit assumes it is embedded into another project, and allows the user to choose whatever they need. To embed CppKit using cmake, one just need to put this directory under a cmake-accessable directory and add add_subdirectory(cppkit) to the parent CMakeLists.txt.

CppKit also assumes all its objects are embedded directly into the parent project's binaries and libraries. Thus, it does not produce any extra libraries. Instead, the parent project shall embed cppkit's objects into its binaries and libraries.To do that, one add the following lines to the CMakeLists.txt:

add_library(my-lib mysrc.c ${cppkit_OBJECTS})
add_executable(my-exe mysrc.c ${cppkit_OBJECTS})
target_link_libraries(my-lib PRIVATE cppkit)
target_link_libraries(my-exe PRIVATE cppkit)


Follow these steps to add a library:

  1. Extract the sources and headers of upstream project foo into a directory foo.
  2. Create a CMakeLists.txt in foo to build the library's source into an object library foo_OBJECTS. Then add a foo interface library for the headers. Finally, append foo_OBJECTS into the cppkit_OBJECTS list as ${TARGET_OBJECTS:foo_OBJECTS}.
  3. Create a README.md in foo to document how to upgrade the library

Available Library Components


The famous fmtlib which implements c++20 std::format. This library is cross-platform and compatible with any c++11-compliant compilers, such as gcc 4.8 and visual studio 2015. It is configured as header-only.


This is a c++98 compatible version of the fmt library, with less features. But if one sticks to the core features, it is useful. This is recommended for projects under gcc 4.4 and visual studio 2010.


A fast C++11 logger with fmt as its message formatting interface.and header-only logger.


The famous c++ unittest framework from google. This does not require C++11.


The famous lightweight c++ unittest framework. The C++11 compatible version is bundled.


A home-grown library for easy c++ programmng. Currently only assert.hpp for straightforward contract programming.


A collection of high quality hashing functions. Currently there are md5, sha256, blake3 and xxhash.


A header-only json parser and serializer.


A template library for PEG (parsing expression grammar).