Dura is a background process that watches your Git repositories and commits your uncommitted changes without impacting
HEAD, the current branch, or the Git index (staged files). If you ever get into an "oh snap!" situation where you think
you just lost days of work, checkout a dura
branch and recover.
Without dura
, you use Ctrl-Z in your editor to get back to a good state. That's so 2021. Computers crash and Ctrl-Z
only works on files independently. Dura snapshots changes across the entire repository as-you-go, so you can revert to
"4 hours ago" instead of "hit Ctrl-Z like 40 times or whatever". Finally, some sanity.
Run it in the background:
$ dura serve &
The serve
can happen in any directory. The &
is Unix shell syntax to run the process in the background, meaning that you can start
and then keep using the same terminal window while dura
keeps running. You could also run dura serve
in a
window that you keep open.
Let dura
know which repositories to watch:
$ cd some/git/repo
$ dura watch
Right now, you have to cd
into each repo that you want to watch, one at a time. If you have thoughts on how to do this
better, share them here.
Make some changes. No need to commit or even stage them. Use any Git tool to see the dura
$ git log --all
produces a branch for every real commit you make and makes commits to that branch without impacting your working
copy. You keep using Git exactly as you did before.
The dura
branch that's tracking your current uncommitted changes looks like dura-f4a88e5ea0f1f7492845f7021ae82db70f14c725
In $SHELL, you can get the branch name via:
$ echo "dura-$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
Use git log
or tig
to figure out which commit you want to rollback to. Copy the hash
and then run something like
# Or, if you don't trust dura yet, `git stash`
$ git reset HEAD --hard
# get the changes into your working directory
$ git checkout $THE_HASH
# last few commands reset HEAD back to master but with changes uncommitted
$ git checkout -b temp-branch
$ git reset master
$ git checkout master
$ git branch -D temp-branch
If you're interested in improving this experience, collaborate here.
$ paru -S dura-git
- Install Rust (e.g.,
brew install rustup
) - Clone this repository
- Run
cargo install --path .
It's still in the prototype phase. Open issues pertaining to stability are marked with the stability tag.
Every now and then, like 5 seconds or so. Internally there's a control loop that sleeps 5 seconds between iterations, so it runs less frequently than every 5 seconds (potentially a lot less frequently, if there's a lot of work to do).
- Mac: yes
- Linux: probably
- Windows: possibly